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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 4, 2017
COL Jon Thompson
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Responses: 3
CAPT Kevin B.
Edited 8 y ago
Sounds like a case of "Gapitis" which likely didn't help you during the 3rd crunch at the Board. They're looking to meet a number and your record gave them a convenient way to put you below the line. I don't know if you ever sat boards. On the Navy side, every report is signed off by the Reporting Senior so the words belong to us. I see those have been split up on the Army side. Problem is the process isn't being managed correctly and there's a typically large variation on what it means or doesn't mean. I don't know if the Reporting Senior Average is a managed thing on the Army side like it is Navy. That can create another bag of worms if not properly managed. I've seen too many Newbie Skippers use short cycle Fitreps to move their average down, much to the detriment of the SM. Bottom line, I wouldn't put if all on the RS gap issue. You likely were 3rd crunch on those occasions and this would have been a contributing factor. But you likely wouldn't have been there except for other stuff going on. Maybe an Army type with board experience can weigh in. Mine was a number of times for JO and SO.
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MAJ Geiter Dunn
The promotion system is broken in the Army. They tried. Lord did they try. The "mass" system (above, center, below) only works if your senior rater has a mature file; it's worthess with less than 20 ratings. Guess what that means. At least 20 rated officers get a worthless rating. If your eager doesn't know, or believe in using the correct wording, you're screwed. If your rater is trying to "correct" the Army's (or the local) rating and awards inflation, you're screwed. If your rater or senior rater aren't careful with word choice and punctuation, you're screwed. If you PCS with the "promise" that your OER will be coming shortly, you're screwed. If you have a lazy rater or senior rater, you're screwed. If you volunteer for any "unusual" assignment that the board doesn't have thetime to familiarize itself with (despite the value to the Army at the time), you're screwed.
Promotion Boards have all of a few seconds to review most OERs/ORBs, and 90% of above or below the line decisions are made that quickly.
SGM Frank Marsh
SGM Frank Marsh
>1 y
I always felt the rating system was 'broken', enlisted as well.
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William Barry
I work for the department of mental health in Massachusetts. your direct supervisor is your rater I guess then it gets passed up the chain say to your food service supervisor. Anyway I recently had a situation when a promotion was held up because my "senior rater" i.e. the food service director simply would not give me a reference. She hated the fact that I was a union executive board member. we had a major problem with drain flies and I brought it to infection control after I served dinner 3 nights in a row with flies all around. She asked me about it and I told her you and I are food service professionals just different pay grades. I protected the clients and workers and the hospital. I thought it was a win for everyone. She was eventually told write the reference to by the Assistant Director for Operations in the hospital. He knew how seriously I take my responsibility to the clients and the hospital. Unfortunately she got in trouble for not getting the situation handled quickly. After I reminded the infection control nurse that all the patients were subjected to this as well as 50 kitchen staff of all pay grades it was handled.I am now a mental health worker one that fills in as a lead(mhw2) and liked pretty well for the effort I make. NOBODY gets top block(exceeds); most people get a meets the standard or below standard. you may occasionally get an extra mile award or employee of the month but no one gets exceeds usually.

She was not fair and played dirty with my EPRS(employee personal review system) but now I am a MHW1 about to get promoted again. She is retired now because upper management got wise to her and applied pressure to fix the kitchen situation. Her assistant did not get the top job thank god. Anyway point being is do you job the way you know it should be done and upper management will fix these reports to be correct.
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