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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Dec 13, 2016
CPT Russell Lee
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Responses: 9
SGT David T.
I can relate to this. I had to Google what business casual meant lol
SGT Jeremy Livingston
SGT Jeremy Livingston
>1 y
HA so did I
It is a good thing I have a wife that was at a former time a leading sales person at JCPennys in the men's department and is very good with matching things up and telling me what to buy, before the army (in high school) one of my best friends was going to be (is now) a fashion designer, so I knew a little bit then but all that sort of went away after some time in the army.... I will tell you that I can spot a fake designer bag from about 20 feet away....
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SFC William Stephens
Sir, Transitioning in itself is an experience because when I was at Walter Reed I used to sit in all kind of classes and watch people come in and teach us how to wear ties and suits because we had people who had to learn all of this all over again and just like you; you wore the uniform for many service years. I thought some of the classes were a joke but if I want to go through a transition period it would be through the wounded warrior program. SO many job fairs to choice from and jobs were practically handed to you, but you just hand to know a few skills. Being Field Artillery guy I didn't bring to many skills to the table but lucky I want to security managers school and AT/FP LV II school because it really helped being down there in the DC metro area. When it was time for me to go to ACAP that was a joke for me because resume writing was spent 2 days writing the resume 1 day and reviewing the next and no job mangers or anything reviewed it, SO while I was still in transition I scored a Internship with Defense Security Service and I think that was the best thing I ever did in my whole life, this change my whole focus on life as well, my security clearance status changed and I learned so much in 1 year. Before I knew it I was wearing suits and working INTEL job and building my resume for the future. These guys took me by the hand and guided me the right way it needed to be taken, they trained me as a security specialist and after I completed my training I was awarded for my outstanding performance the JSCM and this set me off. even thou my military service was complete I skill had something I never thought I would have and these were called " TOOLS" and took these skills and developed them into my resume and go one line and start to job search. I'll tell you looking for a security job where I live was hard, I work in odd security jobs as CO in a prison and od little jobs but one day I got that magical phone call and I have been working for the Government ever since and it hasn't been the best but since I have been here working with great people I learned resume writing skills and cover letter development and my resume went from 8 pages to 3 pages with a reference page. Networking is the key Sir. I learn a lot from Rally Point and its' members and social media an on interview s and have found out that I sometimes am too qualified for other jobs, don't give up, always be ahead of the game when doing your resume. For Artillery guy I have been pretty successful and I am here to help my brothers in combat arms to be successful because resume writing fundamentals needs to be taught in our NCOES course in the future even thou some bases are teaching resume writing in their transitioning or ACAP/ TAPS program. Not all bases are up to standards because that's why we have people and SM on social media and RP learning resume skills.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited 8 y ago
The time I grew up You wouldn't even think of going to church without a suit, times have sure changed. The transition to that same attire in the workplace wasn't difficult. There were also times a a Police Officer I had to wear suits, esp to Court and You had to look very presentable. Also as a Detective at one point had to wear suits although casual with a tie and other type of jacket was also ok some of the time. Of course having a concealed weapon played into that. Shined shoes though was always part of the wardrobe but in Police uniform like the Military the footwear and uniform was issued and only issued items were worn and there were strict rules about the placement of insignia, haircuts, no beards,mustache only within certain standards.
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