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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Apr 4, 2016
SGT Robert Riley
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Responses: 37
1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
So are you suggesting that HRC is free from blame? I would disagree with that.
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SGT Edward Wilcox
I'm not sure what disappoints me more, the fact that you repeat and regurgitate so many lies that have been so thoroughly debunked by 8 different investigations, or that RallyPoint allowed you to post it in this forum. There was never a "stand down" order. There was no one standing by to go "rescue" those killed. You disgrace the NCO Corps by grandiosely claiming that you would disobey an order that never existed, by joining the "Monday morning quarterbacks", as you call them. The truth about Benghazi has already been told. Your refusal to believe that does not make it false.

Again, RallyPoint, you should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing this to be posted in the Command Post.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
5 y
SGT Edward Wilcox Really? I'm glad you're so amused by reality. So, you think that because the investigation was conducted by Republicans I'm going to trust it at face value? I'm not the partisan shill you've clearly display yourself to be. I believe none of them more than I do senior officers in theater, some of whom I know personally.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
5 y
Maj Rob Drury So now we're expected to believe you know, and communicate frequently, with 'senior officers' in the area? You really are an idiot if you think I would believe that. The closest assets were hours away. Even if they were sitting on the tarmac when the attack began, they would not have been able to get there in time to save any lives. I can't believe you dragged me back into arguing this years after it was settled. I'm done with you. Go away.
Maj Rob Drury
Maj Rob Drury
5 y
SGT Edward Wilcox I never said that I conversed with them regarding this. I am aware of their statements and I believe them. Downvoted for condescending and potentially libelous tone. You just accused me of lying. If we were both active duty. I'd ensure that your career, and possibly your life as a free man, was over.
SGT Edward Wilcox
SGT Edward Wilcox
5 y
Maj Rob Drury, Your feeble attempt at threatening me is laughable, as you could do neither if we were on active duty. As for proving libel, it's a lot harder than you think, and my comment does not meet the legal standard, but you would know that if you were as literate in the Law as you would like us to think.
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Capt Retired
Edited 9 y ago
What could have been done that night? I am not sure anyone knows for sure.

What concerns me as much was the fabricated stories of why it happened. I watched as people said it was a spontaneous demonstration. Really? How many bring RPGs to a spontaneous demonstration?

I am also concerned with what was told to the families of the lost and with the denials of same. I believe the mother's not the politicians.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
The conflicting stories at the time were the result of two large government agencies trying to get our their talking points. State department said terrorist attack, CIA said response to the video.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama said anything the first day, and both said that it was likely a terrorist attack the day after.

This was a faux scandal, period.
CPO Frank Coluccio
CPO Frank Coluccio
9 y
LTC (Join to see) -
"Neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama said anything the first day, and both said that it was likely a terrorist attack the day after."

WRONG on all counts.
Hell-ary stated for days after it was in response to the video. There is video evidence of that from the conference when the four bodies were returned at Andrews AFB. Susan Rice, State Dept spokesman, went on five Sunday news talk shows the Sunday following the attack and on ALL five stated the attack was in response to the video.
0bama stated the attack was due to the video at Andrews AFB after Hell-ary spoke. He also went in front of the UN and stated the same thing almost two weeks AFTER the attack.
ALL I stated above are verifiable by video on YouTube, and I have posted it on this site in one of the many treads on this, that shows Hell-ary blaming the video. On top of that you have testimony from ALL four families that both Hell-ary AND 0bama TOLD them the attack was in response to a video and "they" were going to make sure the people who made that video were made to pay for making it.
Then you have the email evidence that Hell-ary sent an email to Chelsea hours after the attack that she KNEW it was a planned attack and did not mention a video AT ALL.
You, Sir, are repeating what "Madcow" Madow, "Tingles" Matthews, and the rest of MSLSD have been saying.

Here is the YouTube video; Hell-ary blaming the video at the 1:06 mark and stating that it was a "mob" and NOT terrorists for the attack at the 1:36 mark.


Here is 0bama at the UN blaming the video almost two weeks later:
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
9 y
What? The mother's of those killed made up a lie about what Hillary told them? Well, that is certainly more believable than hiding the truth (which certainly was done) to assure it did not affect the election.

I suppose there is no reason you should. But, you certainly should not believe and try to reinforce the lie of the sec of state.

Just like with the ladies who brought forth the truth about Bill's sexual misbehavior the mother's were demonized as liars and the faithful sheep join right in.
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