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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 7, 2016
SGT Ben Keen
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Responses: 11
LTC Stephen F.
In general I am not an angry veteran SGT Ben Keen. I learned over the 34 years that I wore the uniform that no chain of command is perfect and tends to be as weak it's weakest links.
I saw the impact of wise national level decisions and foolish national decisions with the vast majority falling in between.
1. Learning to wait patiently is a skill learned in the crucible. I went to bat for my soldiers many ties. Sometimes they benefitted and sometimes they didn't. I chose early on display respect for my superiors, peers and subordinates as much as I could and never to be a yes man and it has helped me sleep well at night.
2. Dealing with military retirements system and the VA Processes can be very frustrating because they are far from perfect - yet many especially at the lower echelons of the VA do their best to help veterans. The further removed from dealing with constituents that government bureaucrats are they more out of touch they tend to be.
3. As a Christian I have learned to better respect people. I try to remember that each of us are created in the image of God and worthy of respect.
4. I am careful when I get involved with political issues and inflammatory discussions of any kind including race-baiting, religious antagonizing, or any dehumanizing discussions.
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
I don't know if I would say I'm an "angry veteran". I'm more of a "moderately pissed off" or "heavily agitated" type. Very rarely do I get truly angry. I've called in heavy ordinance a few times when I should have just popped smoke and executed a strategic withdrawal. I think we all fall into that trap now and then though. It's part of what makes us human.
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SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
SGT Ben Keen I see angry vets and will add that most have a reason for being angry. I will explore the VA system for a moment to discuss the angst which may result in anger. First, many vets have little idea of the separation between the VBA (Benefits) and the VHA (Medical). I have had mostly good experiences with the medical side of the house and mostly tolerable experiences with the benefits side. I have seen the mistrust of the system create even greater angst and anger among vets. In most cases it is well earned and deserved. For example, call the National call center and attempt to obtain current real time information about your claim. They MUST get there information from eBenefits as they have no other information to offer and are ambivalent when you ask questions. Its not their fault, it's the system, but the system creates an angry vet.

Thank you for posting this SGT Ben Keen
SGM Steve Wettstein
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