Posted on Aug 2, 2019
LCpl Warehouse Clerk
Been serving for 1 year and 6 months, I haven’t seen any post about it but I must be the first?
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Responses: 33
SSG Laurie Mullen
You're going to have to finish out your current contract first. You cannot switch branches in the middle of a contract.
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LCpl Warehouse Clerk
Let me explain a little more, I love being in the military and I’m trying to continue my education, the marine Corp doesn’t give enough so I work all day for my civilian job. After being in for awhile I discovered I wasn’t really happy with myself, I wasn’t myself anymore and my wife noticed. I drive more than 200 miles to drill and money from drill basically covers gas going up and not down. There’s an air national guard and army national guard near me which can save me more money. If I can switch to either one I would be glad. It’s just the marine Corp has brought me down, physically and mentally even though it was suppose to be “break you down and build you back up” I’m unhappy where I’m at and ang or arng would help me a lot more
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Capt Daniel Goodman
Take your time, and do a really thorough, detailed biosketch, so far as you can, that's what I generally suggest for such questions as what you're asking, honest....
LCpl Warehouse Clerk
LCpl (Join to see)
>1 y
I’ve thought it through a lot. I need more assistance in school and want to be more of a welcoming branch. I want to peruse my goals, marine Corp isn’t helping. I’ve talked to a lot of guys at my base and some of them wished they had done ang or even nation guard. I asked a few if it was possible to switch and they said “it’s possible but it’s a long process, my nco’s don’t know anything yet til I get more information into joining in a different branch. Other than that, I’m worried about my mental health too. Surely that’s a consular thing, attend a few but hasn’t helped. Being in the Corps hasn’t benefit me in anything. If I’m stuck with what I got, then so be it. Don’t get me wrong, I love working with some of my fellow marines but at the end of the day, the marine Corp isn’t for me. I’ve always wanted to be in the Airforce, national guard, navy. I would love to switch to ang for more experience instead of doing my 6 years in the Corp and then enlisting for ang. If anything please let me know!
LCpl Warehouse Clerk
LCpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
>1 y
I follow...try to elaborate more specifically, OK? How much school have you done, in what, for what, as I'd asked before...assocs? Bach? Grades? GPAs? Specific course titles actually taken? Science related? Non-science? What specific type of work would interest you, so far as you might explain at all? Any flight interests, also, as I'd asked? Which svcs have you looked at thus far? Have you thought about Reserve in one of the other svcs, specifically, USNR or USCGR? Have you looked at AGR? Guard Tech? Reserve Tech? It'd likely take a fair while, it'd depend what the other svcs would be short on, so you'd obv need to be really flexible, and not limit yourself to just looking at one...most, as I did, and as many I chat with do, tend to focus on one svc, or only a couple, as alternatives...that being said, you might well have to consider how to make lemonade out of your lemons, and find a way to do school, while where you are in USMCR...I should think it shouldn't be impossible, honest, it'd just help to know a good deal more about your interests and objectives, as I'd said, as specifically as you could possibly explain, that's all I'm trying to say, OK? Lemme try to send you some stuff that might possibly help you try to make the best of where you are first, as well...I'd actually done the med exam for naval flight ofcr (NFO), and passed, I did it because USAF wouldn't let me go for navigator, their rule was 20/100 minimum, whereas, for some crazy reason, Navy alloed 20/200 for NFOs, which made zero sense to me, obv...I was never able to be allowed to switch, though, need to understand some things, OK? Opportunities aren't going to come to you, you need to pursue the same time, you need to do your normal work, first and foremost, I had that quite literally pounded into my head, more times than I could count, otherwise, all the effort to pursue opportunities goes absolutely nowhere, I promise, trust me, been there, done that (BTDT),, if you want more school, fine, great, I and others here can suggest things for you, however, only you, ultimately, can make all that happen, not us, need to be as specific as you can possibly be, to explain to all of us as exactly as possible, just exactly what type of work would actually interest you, whether you ultimately want senior enlisted, warrant, commissioned, whatever...the point is specificity, not need to be as specific, and detailed, as humanly possible...we can all show you any number of options, incl for intersvc, cyber, flight related, school...however, until we know as precisely as possible exactly what you've actually done thus far, and, also, what you'd actually want to do, we can't help you as precisely as we'd want to, or as exactly as you're asking us to, OK? Lemme send a few ideas, at least, if only to try to get your mental gears turning, at least, as to some concrete possibilities, if nothing else, at first, as I'd said, in the meanwhile, OK?
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