Posted on Sep 10, 2015
Would you support a military coup in the United States?
Responses: 112
As an Officer in the United States Army, I would be duty bound to refuse any order to support a coup.
This is not an option. Just because you do not like a policy or direction that the country is going, our mission is to support the constitution. It will work itself out.
Nope. But I am worried that as a society and the forces charged with protecting it see each other as more and more different both physically, culturally and morally it becomes more and more of a possibility.
Shouldn't have too, the way Washington is going almost looks like one would be necessary
I like some of the comments made on here because they make actual sense, then again I see others trying to play patriotic and follow suit to what others are saying, ducks in a row so to speak. We all know what "OATH" we took and we all have a perfect knowledge of how far it would have to go before throwing up one's hands and saying "Thats enough". We all know how corrupt this Government has become and how much the current CIC has tried to manipulate many issues to include trying to rape us of constitutional rights. The fact remains... we are brothers and sisters. We may not agree all the time and even not like some of us. I honestly believe that this question was dropped on us to initiate friction or was a brainstorm from higher up to see just where the loyalty lies.What is unclear to me and should be to everyone else is what would it take to accomplish such an act. Hypothetically... thats an pretty indefinite word that could carry a discussion like this on for days/ weeks/months..
I am saddened by just about ALL discussion related to cleaning up the DC mess, only because its mostly all talk and not many seem to be about any action....thus....why talk about it?
Hell no I wouldn't support job is to SUPPORT those in charge and if anyone has a problem with that DON'T JOIN THE SERVICE!!!!
The orders of the officers appointed over me. If those orders were in accordance with the Constitution, I would indeed endorse a military coup. The problem with the coup idea, as I see it, has to do with the politicalization of the senior military structure. Hopefully it won't come to that. Maybe we will all come to our senses and elect a president from outside the system.(That last line was not meant as an endorsement).
Only the most extreme circumstances merits a coup events such as nullifying or cancelling election, a president declaring rule by decree or life tenure. Such circumstances have not presented themselves in this country and I do not see any likelihood of them presenting themselves in the next 100 years.
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