Posted on Apr 25, 2015
World War II Victory Flyover in Washington, DC on May 8, 2015. Will you be there?
One of the most diverse arrays of World War II aircraft ever assembled will fly over Washington, DC on Friday, May 8, 2015 ...
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 50
Thanks for sharing the pics on this post GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad! makes me feel like I didn't miss it. Love the classic bombers!!
Fly-In to Victory Day @ National Air & Space Museum (Dulles Annex):
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.

Fly-In to Victory Day | National Air and Space Museum
Calendar of events for the National Air and Space Museum and the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.
LTC Stephen F.
Thanks for posting the schedule for tomorrows events GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad this is attest of the process you sent me.
LTC Stephen F.
P-51 Mustang and B-17 Flying Fortress. Earlier today I saw a B-17 with 3 P-51 escorts as they banked over the river and flew down the Potomac River on the way to Washington D.C.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
The big one's a B-29 Super Fortress ... but you're right, earlier today there were 3 P-51s escorting a B-17 Flying Fortress ... it was quite impressive!
I happened to be at the perfect place to see each formation of the World War II Victory Capitol Flyover as they flew along the Potomac River on their way to pass by the Washington mall and WWII Memorial. I was sitting on a concrete slab with my can next to me. Nearby a 1969 USNA grad and his wife stood and the daughter of an Avenger pilot from the Korean War was there as well. The first planes were a pair of P-40 Flying Tigers. They banked over the river just north of us and flew right over us at about 800 feet above us. Each of the following formations flew the same route. There were B-17’s, first escorted by P-51s, a couple missing man formations, a single P-38, B-17s with navy markings like those that did anti-submarine warfare off the English coast, B-24, A-26, Navy fighters, etc. The planes looked beautiful as they flew down the river. I was thankful that I was able to see this event and just happened to be with a group of people who were thrilled to see the planes for different reasons. As a believer, I know there are no real coincidences. I asked my Lord and Savior for guidance and direction as I do each day. I am thankful He led me to the north end of the parking lot and down the steep bank to be where I was and get into the conversations I did. Altogether it was a wonderful experience on a beautiful spring day.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Sounds like you had a good vantage point. Glad you got to enjoy it ... I am sure glad that I got to see it!
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