Posted on Jun 4, 2015
SSgt Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman
Istock 000001089566large
here is a great video video and article about transgender troops im proud to be one of the the 15,500, proud of my service and part of this change. here is a great example of whats going on but what are your thoughts
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 15
MSgt Lr Sensor Operator
Personally, if someone is able ot do the job, I couldn't care less how they identify or if they're transgender. That said, it does raise a question about certain standards, PT in particular. If someone transitions from male to female do they test as a female? Wouldn't that be an unfair advantage? And on the flip side, if someone goes from female to male, are they help to male standards or female? I know it's a touchy subject but one that has to be talked about.

As far as transgender service goes, again, I don't care. If you can do the job you can do the job. If you're purple and have three heads, I don't care. Job performance is job performance.
SSgt Aerospace Maintenance Journeyman
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MSgt (Join to see) first Cannon AFB i dont miss that place but i do miss who i worked for and my planes lol

but i agree its a touchy subject about PT i myself dont have the the science behind it but i do know Hormones alone affect alot of things such as Female to Male build muscle mass due to Testosterone and Male to Female oestrogen will decrease muscle mass by a great amount working along side professionals from the UK since their military has had transgender service members for a long time now eventually they would need to switch but again i dont have the science behind it but it is very interesting question
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Sgt Mark Ramos
There are 0.3% percent of the US population that are transgender. With such a small percentage attracting such a large focus I tend to think the issue is not really about whether any particular person would add value to the military service or not. It is more about making a small percentage seem normal and accepted. I think the military is being used as a vehicle to "normalize" a viewpoint.
I'm not saying transgender people should be ostracized. They are obviously uncomfortable with who they are and need understanding and acceptance.
SSgt Security Police Supervisor
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The military has always led the way in our society with regard to equality. This issue will be no different.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Is this what RP is for? It's about serving your country. Not prompting your life style or agenda. If that is what you went in the military for, you should separate and persecute people who believe in traditional marraige. You can change the spikot but not the plumbing.
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SSgt Marshall Franklin
with the way the laws are changing and the way the government is rethinking I think it's time for the military to join the rest of the world. it could be one of these homosexuals or trans sexual individuals in a wartime situation they could save everybody's life. the military needs to change the way they look at things.I'm not gay I'm hetero and I am NOT transexual. but I have no problem working or serving with somebody that is.
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MSgt Repair & Reclamation Section Chief
Who cares think we waste more time discussing useless topics then we need to.
MSgt Repair & Reclamation Section Chief
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The reason I think discussing this is useless is there are more important things to discuss. Such as force shaping, new ideas in leader ship and such. So some celebrity decides to have a sex change and now we all have to discuss it. I have friends family that are gay transgender I think they have always been there just no one noticed before until some celebrity does it.
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