Posted on Sep 30, 2017
With DA allowing the Army to roll up sleeves on ACU/OCP uniforms, why is there so much apprehension by unit leadership?
Responses: 35
I really don't mind as long as in formation we are all the same. My personal opinion, when we wore BDUs a lot of folks could not properly and professionally roll their sleeves and I don't expect it changed to much. Additionally I don't care for the farmers tan that it leaves, it is not cooler due to the tightness to vent and breath around the bicep. Skin cancer is a thing that I have had to battle three times due to the sun on the skin and it never gets better. So I still go sleeves down and will gladly roll up if the leadership dictates a formation as such. My .02
CW5 Sam R. Baker
SSG (Join to see) - a bonus .05, leaders are sometimes like old people, and not open to change, they (we, unless protected against it) are complacent in the way it is/was and don't strike the spark to set the tone. When will we actually promote based on performance rather than time in service? Chances are never, the rote memorization of the machine will chug along whether we implement it or not and to most it is just easier to stay with status quo.
COL (Join to see)
This is the best response on here. Bottom line, it doesn't do much to cool you off. Better to unbutton the cuff and let it hang loose that to roll it up until all air circulation is cut off around the bicep. It's also about being beaten about the head and shoulders for 15 years about keeping your sleeves down so you don't end up with 3rd degree burns on your arms when your vehicle blows up. When I joined, we wore them rolled up in the summer. They looked ok on most people, but you had to know how to do it right.
BLUF....It doesn't feel/look right. We're not the USMC. Personally I don't have a problem with it. But I prefer not to roll my sleeves because I don't have the forearms (don't judge me) or any cool tattoos. But we are the Army and if doesn't look universal or dress right dress, then it feels out of place. The rolled up sleeves will always be at commander's discretion.
SSG (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - Tracking, but did the BDUs were way better than ACUs and OCPs.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - Nope, looks exactly the same since we started wearing the American flag on the uniform, even with the extra velcro (the hoop pile tape crowd can go play in traffic). The flag shifted everything down quite a bit and made things look a little sloppy because the roll starts to cover some of the unit patch. Back in the '90's, this was only an issue for triple tabbed SF guys, 1st Cav, and those kids assigned to SETAF who used to wear the American flag on their left sleeve. So yes, it does look a little sloppy now compared to BDUs in the '90's and earlier.
Roll em so tight that your hands lose feeling and the blood backs up in your brain. That begins your desire for crayons.
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