Posted on Sep 12, 2017
SFC Bruce Pettengill
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Responses: 9
SGT Dave Tracy
I've seen similar behavior, so I would guess it is possible. A bit of a douchey move on the part of the CoC, but I believe it could and (depending on the powers-that-be) would happen.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SGT Dave Tracy "A bit of a douchey move on the part of the CoC"
But it goes both ways, if said "douchey " behavior has been coming from the SM in his last few months, years, the C of C may elect to take advantage of the opening the SM GAVE THEM.
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez - In the absence of further details, that is a fair point you've made; however, if that were the case (that the SM was a chronic douche or habitual PT failure), one would think/hope/expect the CoC would have addressed this SM earlier than two weeks prior to terminal leave.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SGT Dave Tracy - Absolutely as well as, I always choose to help, assist and expedite those mediocre SM that had given up on being a unit asset . The sooner gone, the more leadership time can be spent on Soldiers that WANT to be there.
But only took that approach to those getting out....tried never to send a problem child to another unit on PCS..
SGT Dave Tracy
SGT Dave Tracy
>1 y
SGM Erik Marquez - It all starts with wanting to better themselves; however, even those with high motivation, sometimes fail to make the standard-but I can respect their heart if they fail despite a good-faith effort. I don't think its as bad on AD side, but I've seen it, and I've seen CoC send a Joe packing with just a little time left on their contract. Is what it is. Drive on everyone, drive on.

On the Reserve side, it was ridiculous with regard to PT failures (granted PT on the Reserve side is a slightly different animal as compared to AD). Until we got new command up around the brigade level, a near 50% failure rate was tolerated...then it suddenly wasn't!

In one fell swoop, separation packets were made, and dozens of SMs were gone; a few with only 1 failed record PT test were allowed 30 days to pass. These soldiers had been warned. Complacency based on how things "had always been" I guess. I know how hard it can be, but I made the standard--sometimes when a bit broken--and had every expectation they would too. As acting squad leader, I lost 5 of 8 guys! The upside being all but 1 of those who were my team (specifically) passed, possibly because I worked with them to chart their PT progress.

What sucked as both a team and acting squad leader was that I wasn't told they were being kicked out. They were just as surprised to get the word, but when they called me to ask if it was true, there I was like "Uh...hell if I know".

These things happen when you make them happen I guess. Good or bad.
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MAJ Contracting Officer
Edited >1 y ago
generally why waste the effort, both are honorable discharges. There would need to be some sort of compromise to unit discipline to compel a command to boot someone out two weeks early.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
THAT ^^^^
dont go away mad, just go away, as soon as possible.
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SGM Erik Marquez
It honesty depends on the SM and the unit C of C.
Its an admin deal, but for obvious reasons could be used as punishment.
If the Sm has been a pain in the butt to the unit for the past year or 5, false accusations, Congressional investigations found to be unfounded, FTR, then return, AWOL then return, ect ect, the C of C could take the time and effort to retain and admin separate him in a way that might garner something other than honorable. General, general under honorable, ect,
But my experience says, most times that SM is just going to be let go, and the sooner the better..
If the Sm has built up some good will, even better and the C of C is more likely to say, have a great life, on your way.
If he has made it personal in a negative manner on his way out, well that too may be taken into consideration and influence the decision to Admin separate
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