Posted on Dec 6, 2015
SGT Military Police
I have the completed the military emergency management course and awarded the MEMS badge. I understand some national guard states allow this for unform wear. What will it take for regular army and reserves to allow this for uniforms?
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Responses: 8
COL Thomas F.
Edited 9 y ago
First off, congratulations on completing the course. That particular badge, however, is only authorized by members of a State's "State Military Reserve". Sort of like the "Ram's Head" badge that Vermont gives Guardsmen who complete the Mountain Warfare Course there. Unless you belong to the SMR, I would just hang it on your wall or wear it while in civies. Don't let your CSM see it on your uniform.
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you for the input LTC Ficarra. I just didn't know if there were any progressive steps towards making this mor official. But thanks again.
MSgt Donald Watkins
MSgt Donald Watkins
3 y
Hey it doesn't hurt to apply for it through channels. I'm retired Air Force and we had a prior service enlisted Marine Recon from the Vietnam War days. He's now or was in the 1980's when I flew with him as a Intelligence officer Capt. He ask if he could wear some of his badges from the Marine Corp. Diver , there were others but don't remember them all now but remember that one a Divers helmet. They allowed him to but it took work and not giving up on something like this. And you shouldn't either. Try it what have you got to lose.
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CPT Company Commander
Can you show us this badge?
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
Sorry I my camera was flipped accidentally
SGT Military Police
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
9 y
I didn't know there was such a thing. This isn't something that will ever become an official badge. I think the Army has enough badges. The last badge that made it was the Sapper Tab. That took a long long time. But I hear this from just about every other school that doesn't have a badge. From Master Gunner, RSLC, or one of the many other schools. A state can make a badge but remember once you are on title ten you can't wear any state awards. So it wouldn't be worth it. In addition there would be so few. Most badges are combat related. I know not all of them are but we shouldn't be out just chasing badges or trying to make a badge for every school out there.
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SGT Kyle Taylor
What is the name of the actual course? I am a HAZMAT fan and working on a degree in this field.
SGT Military Police
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
1LT Eric Rosa, this absolutely was run by the army. Just the cert was printed and presented by the association. Everything including the classes were issued and monitored by a training unit, eventually signed off by a LCol.
CPT Christopher Beck
CPT Christopher Beck
6 y
The FEMA IS Courses are used to train personnel in incident command and response. The courses are proctored by either Texas National Guard or State Guard Forces. These courses are part of the Military Emergency Management (MEMS) Basic, Senior, or Master

These are certificate courses and are free through the Fema IS training for anyone to take. You can also transfer the courses over for college credit towards a degree in emergency management. The MEMS Badge is awarded by a panel from SGAUS (retired SMS or Staff Officers). The badge is authorized for wear by the State Defense forces for National Guard or State Guard and can be worn on the ASU or ACU-OCP. These are only authorized thru the state military department and therefore not recognized (yet) by the federal side due to the fact that federal troops are not authorized to be activated for national disasters (Posse Comitatus law of 1878). The state defense forces can be mobilized, specifically the national guard who can be activated federally by the POTUS (from title 32-reserve status to title 10 -active duty). The state guard only activated by state governor. This is the reason for the MEMS BADGE and for someone who has truly gone thru all the training for a MEMS BASIC, you’d be familiar with all this and the authorization of the Badge. I myself have been federal, ARNG-Title 32/title 10 and currently serve in the state guard working towards my senior MEMS. I therefore am authorized to wear the badge on my ASU (due to federal combat service) besides this all Staff of a state defense force (HQ) are AGR (Active Guard Reserves-Title 10) under the state and are able to wear the MEMS badge on there uniforms but these are the only conditions and times you will see the badge on an federal uniform.
CPT Christopher Beck
CPT Christopher Beck
6 y
CPT Christopher Beck - also refernce DA PAM & AR 525-27 Army Emergency Management Program, EP 690-1-824 USACE Civilian Personell Training Guide
CPT Christopher Beck
CPT Christopher Beck
6 y also refernce DA PAM & AR 525-27 Army Emergency Management Program, EP 690-1-824 USACE Civilian Personell Training Guide
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