Posted on Oct 31, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
It looks like he will. If you don't want some idiot doctor or an equally idiotic former SecState sending you in harm's way you better talk up Jim Webb.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 26
SSgt Daniel Lamb
I do not know. Only The Senator can answer that question.
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SSgt Daniel Lamb
Captain, I believe he will! There are many organizations that are trying to get the word our. It is difficult for The Senator as he does not have name recognition. Warriors for Webb, Whigs for Webb, Democrats for Webb, Republicans for Webb, every State in the Union has a Webb page for The Senator.

I believe also, for the second time in history, we will elect a non-party affiliated President (the First was George Washington). The biggest challenge will be the delegates of the current two party system
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MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
Who's Jim Webb? A Democrat with balls? That's the greatest oxymoron ever. Seriously, the Democrat primary is a strait up clown fest of who can lean the furthest left (Marxist/Socialist). What has me perplexed, is how a guy who seems half-way intelligent, served in the military, and doesn't come across as a full blown loon, can be a Democrat. Wikipedia gave a clue. He was a Republican for 22 years, then registered as Democrat in order to win a senate seat (Wink). Captain "Kool-Aid" Miller is getting his heart all-a-flutter over a Republican disguised as a Democrat who may run as independent. Is that irony or what!

Maybe he can get Lindsey Graham to run on the ticket with him.
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
9 y
Well, you really live up to the Captain Kool-Aid moniker. The Democrats did not win WWII, the Allies did, Americans did. The Democrats got the U.S. involved in Vietnam, through trickery (Tonkin Gulf), then nearly lost it through their restrictive rules of engagement and micro-management ["An outhouse doesn't get bombed without my approval" - Lyndon B. Johnson]. Not until a Republican did the war in Vietnam end on our terms, only to have a Democrat controlled congress block spending for South Vietnamese aid, allowing the North to invade knowing the U.S. would not intervene. Interesting how the media, leftist academics, and Democrats have altered that piece of history.
It was Southern Democrats that introduced Jim Crow laws and were members of the Klu Klux Klan. Democrats refused to enforce the 14th Amendment, or support Civil Rights. That is, until they figured a way to purchase the black vote.
Henry Ford introduced the 40 hour work week. He believed that workers needed adequate leisure time in order to consume products, thus perceive a need to purchase them. The free market took it from there.
It's Democrats that force people into their programs such as Social Security and the Affordable Care Act. Seems these programs can't sell on their own merits so Democrats make them compulsory, where's the choice in that. Democrats for choice? How about school choice, choosing your doctor or level of medical insurance coverage, and how you protect yourself from criminals? These are choices the Democrats would prefer you don't make for yourself. The one choice they support, killing the unborn. Their moral depravity knows no bounds.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt - I didn't know the Allies ran the US government in WWII. As the Congress approves spending, and the Congress was controlled by the Dems, we can that US participation - if you like, was driven by the Democratic Party on the Hill and in the White House.

By the way -- were you serious?

MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt
9 y
Capt Walter Miller - It's called sarcasm. Jim Webb, in my opinion, is the only Democrat that has true grit. Therein lies the rub. The rest of the party has been taken over by anti-American marxist/socialists, hell bent on removing everything that made this country great, and replacing it with some unattainable vision of utopia. A distinguished veteran that demonstrates individual toughness and doesn't consider Republicans, conservatives, or constitutionalists as the enemy, is viewed as a pariah.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
MSgt Darren VanDerwilt - Yes, I agree.

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SSgt Daniel Lamb
You guys Rock!
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SSgt Daniel Lamb
You guys Rock!
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
I think it would be serious waste of money. He made no traction agianst the annointed one, he has no chance as an independent. A vote for Webb is a wasted vote, in my opinion.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
Despite his clunky debate performance the other night, Senator Webb has been exceptionally successful in everything he has tried.

1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
1stSgt (Join to see)
9 y
If your guy is running as an independent and does not get elected, it is a wasted vote. Independents are a worthless cause that, in our history, have gotten nothing done. Sanders has accomplished a few things, but that is because he caucused with the Democrats.

Of the Democrats and "former" democrats, I too would support Webb. That being said, a vote for Webb is a wasted vote.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
1stSgt (Join to see) - The gestalt is now for an independent candidate. Hillary has high negatives and so people are creaming over Sanders, who also should not be running. Over on the other side, WHAT IN THE WORLD does it say that two grossly unqualified candidates are polling so well?

Senator Webb can honestly appeal to more constituencies than any other candidate. The old Reagan Republicans, the people who revere the second amendment, the middle Class, the working poor, minorities, everyone but the Banksters and their friends. He is the only candidate even remotely qualified for high office. HRC never was.

A really scary scenario is Sanders vs. Rubio. The Dems will lose that.

In this usage, a gestalt means a coming together.

SSgt Daniel Lamb
SSgt Daniel Lamb
9 y
I do not believe the American people, especially the Electoral College,. is ready for a Jewish Socialist for the POTUS, even though many Americans worship one every day! It is a sad commentary on the prejudice still inherent in our culture.

Many in this Country have called the current POTUS every name they could think of just short of the "N" word, and I have heard it muttered under breaths.
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