Posted on Oct 31, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
It looks like he will. If you don't want some idiot doctor or an equally idiotic former SecState sending you in harm's way you better talk up Jim Webb.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 26
MSgt Stephan Hall
Jim Webb is the logical choice as our CIC, there isn't another candidate running that comes close to his qualifications. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
MSgt Stephan Hall
MSgt Stephan Hall
9 y
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
Most Marines know this Navy Cross story from WWII.

After one of the hideous island fights this Marine unit was billeted on another hideous island where there just didn't happen to be any fighting. A Marine got in some kind of trouble and he came before the company commander for NJP.

"Fifty dollar fine," the skipper said.

"You can't do that to me, Sir! I have a Navy Cross!"

The captain replied, "So do I."

MSgt Stephan Hall
MSgt Stephan Hall
9 y
Capt Walter Miller - Gotta give Jim Webb the utmost respect for his actions in Viet Nam, most folks don't have a clue the leadership Jim Webb possesses. A true American Hero.
SSgt Daniel Lamb
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Maj Communications Information Systems Officer
Webb is the only person in the running with integrity, intelligence, and actual leadership acumen. He's the only vet (outside of Graham who's likely to drop in the next week) and the only one with a sack. You elect Sanders, Clinton, Carson, Ruibo, or heaven forbid that assclown Trump... all we will see for the next 4-8 years is the same division that has plagued this country for over 20 years.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
Clearly HRC is more of the same domestically and dangerously clueless on foreign policy.

Maj Communications Information Systems Officer
Maj (Join to see)
9 y
It's funny. Half the people I talk to say he will pull from the DNC, the other half the RNC. And guess what. In an NC poll, he pulled right down the middle. Unlike past Independent candidates he is middle, not extreme left or right and I think that is actually bothering people who are party hardliners.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
Maj (Join to see) - I got kicked off a couple of FB Democrat themed groups, despite my always reasoned and tactful arguments, for which I am rightly well known on RP.

And the constant response to my talking up Senator Webb (this is 3-4 months ago) was "He's a RINO!" "He's not progressive!"

His military career -- they couldn't even process it.

Maj Communications Information Systems Officer
Maj (Join to see)
9 y
Sad, that the Veteran community feels so exiled from politics these days. Republicans laud us, but won't take care of the VA and the Democrats just don't care for us period. Sweeping generalizations, but the party line/general impression.
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SN Greg Wright
Edited 9 y ago
Capt Walter Miller Wait, did you just insult Hillary?! Can you possibly be coming to realize that neither party is better than the other, that they're both self-centered, corrupt institutions in need of major house cleaning?!

Say it isn't so.
SSgt Daniel Lamb
SSgt Daniel Lamb
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - I am not sure if you are being serious, or jesting 1st Sergeant. If you are being serious, it is not my intent to belittle your beliefs and faith.

Having said the above, either way is a win - win. If Moshiach is coming, OOOORAHHHH.!!! If not and The Senator is elected and refurbs our current Foreign Policy; which policy I believe should not only be the concern of every Active Duty Service Person, Veterans, and every member of our Great Democratic Republic, OOOOOOOORAH!!!!
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
SSgt Daniel Lamb 1SG (Join to see) I'll let the 1SG speak for himself, Staff, but since I'm aware of some context that you probably aren't (Welcome to RP, btw! :) ), I can tell you with relative certainty that he's jesting. The original poster is a well-known agitator here on RP, who has a rabid hatred for Republicans (thus my shock, and 1SG's subsequent reply, at him insulting Hillary), and so this was an unusual post for him (the OP, that is).
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
To clarify for you SSgt Daniel Lamb, yes that was satire suggesting that a trumpet sounded and Walt was critical of a democrat. I will say that Walt has been fairly consistent being critical of HRC, primarily due to her support of OIF back when she was a Senator.
The rest of it about the plains of Megiddo being occupied by foreign powers from the north bent on fighting a war on religion, is a little too close for comfort. However, I do not believe that Capt Walter Miller is the harbinger of the apocalypse.
Just to be clear.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
I couldn't stand her in 2008, or since.

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Will Jim Webb embark on a serious Independent run at the Presidency?
Capt Walter Miller
Also, I understand that Democratic candidates have to be on the state ballots pretty quickly. Independents not til next year.

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Capt Walter Miller
Jim Webb is the best candidate running for president -- by far.

Besides graduating from Annapolis at the top of his class, being first in his class of 243 lieutenants at the Basic School, being a platoon and company commander and winning a Navy Cross, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts in Viet Nam, he was a committee general counsel, congressional staffer, official in the Defense Department, SecNav and senator, he is a NY Times best selling author, has the screenwriting credit for "Rules of Engagement" and he even has a bleeping EMMY.

But the thing that is so awesome is that he resigned as SeNav in protest of what the SecDef asked him to do. It blew me away at the time. Who does that? The story is that the SecDef Carlucci asked him to misrepresent facts to the Congress. He laid it on Carlucci at the time. Awesome. Specifically he was asked to misrepresent the usefulness of a new class of Navy warships.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
All true, except for the part about him being the best candidate running for President. Regrettably, he is no longer a candidate.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - Yes, he is. If he can get some support.

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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Jim Webb is a good man, and a great American. But he made little headway among Democrats - they seem interested in going as left as possible, so Webb and Chaffee (not even sure why he was running) need not apply.
At the DNC debate, I was sorry to see Sen Webb seemingly ill-prepared for the debate and wasn't coherent much of the time.
I've heard him speak and he has good ideas, but he hasn't acquitted himself well when given the opportunity.
SSgt Daniel Lamb
SSgt Daniel Lamb
9 y
Your observations are right on 1st Sergeant and it is the common view among many. We are discussing a man. A man who does not like campaigning, does not like the dirt and muck of partisan politics. The Senator is a Great Man, a man of great intellect and passion. A Military Hero.

He is still just a man. I have the utmost respect and hero worship for this man. Having said that I will say this, The Senator is not a perfect man. He is just a man.
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Capt Seid Waddell
Doubt it. He wasn't getting much traction as a Dem; he will have a much harder pull as a third Party candidate.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Lol. You really hate Rebublicans. You make me life. He had his chance. I can't stop laughing. You deserve Hillary. The Rebublicans running have more integrity, oh give me a break it is funny watching the democratic wanta bees. And Bernie Sanders. I can't stop laughing. And just like your Heros you call them names. Hillary just embraced black lives matter. And said I'm going to get the white guy. I gotta go can't stop laughing.
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited 9 y ago
Note the clever little POTUS motif there.
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Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
9 y
That is why Jim Webb has a shot at an independent campaign now.
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