Posted on Dec 7, 2014
Will it ever end or will this become a pillar of the RallyPoint community?
It has been over a year since "That Question" that lives in infamy has been asked. Yes, it is the "Should a 2LT salute a 1LT" discussion. Yet, it reemerges to garner the attention of new RP members. With over four thousand votes and six hundred responses will it ever come to an end? Will it make another run at the "Run Away Discussion of the Year?"
I was told by a member of the RP staff at RPX that on a couple days this discussion was the only discussion that was being commented on the whole day. It has became a cult classic within the RP community. What do you think?
I was told by a member of the RP staff at RPX that on a couple days this discussion was the only discussion that was being commented on the whole day. It has became a cult classic within the RP community. What do you think?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 9
CPT (Join to see) someday many years from now, you will be getting looked at for promotion to O-6, and someone will say, "Wait, this is the guy who started that thread back in 2013, when he was a lieutenant!" Whether that will help or crush your career is TBD. But the thread will live forever in the internets of time.
CPT Aaron Kletzing
Plus, by then you will be a LTC (O-5) on RallyPoint, and new members who are just joining will be thinking, "Why the F*** is an O-5 asking this question?" since your profile will say LTC, and the readers don't pay attention to the date.
CPT (Join to see)
That will be the truth. I thought about that not too long ago. Now that I am a 1LT I hope people don't think I am out to make some 2LT salute me. I am surprised that I haven't been pointed out yet anywhere. I go to Bragg often and recently visited two other installations on the east coast and I just seem to blind in. When I do make LTC I will make it a command policy to have 2LTs salute 1LT. I am sure they will think I am crazy but by that time I will in the army so long I really wouldn't care anymore.
NEVER!!! Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! It is a cult classic Eric and now and forever, part of RallyPoint lore.
PO2 Jonathan Scharff
When my son is promoted from 2LT to that instant...will time stop so that he may salute himself in the mirror...or would that cause the universe to implode? Mhahahahaha!
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