Posted on Jun 2, 2017
Why would an American guy be wearing an Army uniform with a Japanese flag and a Japanese name plate?
Today at the Dfac I noticed we have some Japanese Military personnel here in Alaska well among them was a big guy wearing the OCP Army uniform with the Japan flag and Japan name plate along with a full beard. Would there be a logical reason for this it driving me crazy?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 10
Do you know for a fact he was an American? In Korea, the KATUSAs wear our uniforms with the ROK flag on it. Could be similar here if it is a JGSDF member support the Army.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
I couldnt tell you 100% if he was American Sir he looked like it but then again looks can be deceiving either way it through me off .
PVT Mark Brown
KATUSAs were a strange bunch as a whole. During 27 months in Korea all the KATUSA personnel I knew seemed to have come from families with money. I developed friendships with a couple guys, one from Seoul and the other from Pusan, in fact we corresponded a few times after I returned home. In the space of time we have lost contact. However, it was my feeling that they came from families that had pretty good incomes. I don't know for sure. But, the regular ROK army seemed by far much more "bad ass" than the KATSUA guys. Just my personal observation.
I would recommend asking the person next time. Don't be shy, better to ask than to drive yourself nuts for days.
If the individual was American, more than likely he was an embedded advisor. Those can be SF or more likely civilian contractors hired for that purpose.
I'd ask the guy; what possible harm can come from it?
I'd ask the guy; what possible harm can come from it?
SGT Dave Tracy
With the obvious caveat that he asks this person with a measure of professionalism and proper bearing. Start the conversation with, "Hey pal, what the hell?!" probably wouldn't work out too well in this Specialist's favor; not that I assume he would, but I know I've known a few yahoos. LOL ;-)
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