Posted on Oct 8, 2015
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
I'm very disappointed in the outrage against Dr. Carson on his statements about gun control and what would he do scenario.

Before 9/11, Americans were taught to remain calm, passive, and not to challenge those who would hijack an airplane. Today that position no longer makes sense as the 9/11 hijacker's goal was to kill everyone on board anyway. Today, passengers will more likely challenge hijackers in the way Todd Beamer did, preventing more loss of life and the destructions of our Capitol or White House.

Today we are now taught in an active shooter situation to run (if you can) hide/barricade, or fight (in that order). Dr. Carson was presented with a scenario which negated the option to run or hide. He was right.

The Washington Post tried to dispute this position by pointing out the Army Veteran in Oregon who attempted to make a move on the gunman and was instead shot several times. The gunman then proceeded to kill others. The Washington Post missed the point. We are unfortunately not taught to do what Dr. Carson suggested and unfortunately no one else stood up to assist the Veteran. Let's not forget, that Veteran lived to tell the story too.

But that is a military mind set. We see danger and we take it on as we were trained to do. This is a mindset that more American need to have as well when it comes to incidents like this one.

Finally, when it comes to teachers and faculty being armed, again Dr. Carson is right. Instead, gun control advocates ridicule him and name terrible scenarios where a kid might get a hold of the weapon. News flash, kids are already getting weapons with the intent to cause mass casualties. Teachers who neglect their responsibility to keep their own gun away from a kid could and should held accountable too.
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Responses: 8
COL Jean (John) F. B.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - The main reason Ben Carson is being attacked is because he is a Black Conservative who is a real threat to the Democrat Party. Of course the liberals, with support of the liberal media, will seize upon any opportunity to put him down.

He is absolutely correct in what he said and I admire that he won't back down form the media pressure he has been getting about his comments. He just keeps going up higher and higher in my opinion about his candidacy for President.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
9 y
As a little exercise, you should do a search on the reporting of the interview which took place. What you'll find is that none of the top searches will come up with the complete context of the question he answered. People are being lead to believe he believes he should organize a group of people to seek out and find the shooter to take him out. No mention of the actual scenario in which he is faced with the shooter, what do you do... I am sickened by the MSM and the manner in which the left changes what rational people are saying. All to promote an agenda which will not solve the problem at hand.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Because Ben "evolution is a tool of the devil" Carson has a tendency to open his mouth and allow pure stupidity to fall out at times...
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SCPO Investigator
One reason: he's a black REPUBLICAN.
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