Posted on Mar 19, 2016
Why has my shipping date for BCT suddenly been changed?
i am supposed to ship to basic training in april 4 but before 2 weeks from shipping date it has changed suddenly. when i open i found that my shipping date is changed 5 months later. immediately i called to recruiter, he also respond the same thing but not satisfied reasons. is anybody else also facing like this ? why they changed the shipping date at the last moment?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 21
The Army has this big green weenie, that goes places it shouldn't. If ya catch my drift.
SPC David Willis
Im not sure what you meant by this could you be more specific and perhaps use visual aids. Short video clips or GIFS would be best.
Once your background check comes back and you get the green light, if the date is still too far out you can always go to your recruiter and look at other jobs and report dates or just wait until your date.
Same things happened to me. I signed my contract since January 2016 and i was supposed to get shipped on May 23rd but a the last minute I didn't know what happened they canceled my shipping date to November 1.It was ridiculous but I wait till November when I got a bad news again. My new shipping date now is March 06 2017. I don't know if is because I'm immigrant
PVT (Join to see)
My ship date got also pushed back from November 22 to March 06 2017 , are you a green card holder?
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