Posted on Sep 6, 2015
CSM Carl Cunningham
I have worked with all the services frequently during my career. I see the ups and downs in each service. The Army seems to have the biggest attitude towards itself though. I would like to hear thoughts as to why Soldiers seems to talk bad or dislike the service that I love. Some may disagree this is true, but I do not think I am off base by stating this.


Do you think it is possible for the Army to ever show the universal pride in service that the USMC does?
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 253
PO2 Louis Fattrusso
The Marines have always been acknowledged as America’s greatest fighting force. The common saying is “Send in the Marines!”
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SSgt Dwight Deatherage
The Marine Corps is a cult.
Cpl Derrick Perkins
Cpl Derrick Perkins
>1 y
33rd TFW nomads ,, have a pride similar when i worked F-15's , i went Marines , found my place , but ,i do have similar feelings because we were the best in the AF AND the world , and the 33rd PROVED IT ! , so , i guess i am torn between 2 cults ? lol
Cpl Bill Fleischauer
Cpl Bill Fleischauer
>1 y
Yeah, ain't it grand?!
SSgt Bruce Probert
SSgt Bruce Probert
>1 y
Yes we are
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MAJ Bill Maynard
Why ask such a question? The Army is just that: The Army. The premier ground combat force in the world. The Marine Corps is naval infantry and very small. The USMC does not have the diverse responsibility or scope of mission that the Army has. So in plain speak, the USMC is relatively tiny and assigned a narrow area of responsibility. This allows for more a more oorah atmosphere.
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SSgt Brett Ontiveros
I have served in the Army, USMC, and Air Force. I went to Army Basic in 1988, them Marine Boot Camp in 1990. I did an inner service transfer. My wife is still in the Army and since my military retirement we have this discussion often. I found that in Army basic they just teach you the basic skills of combat survival and general military customs and courtesy's. In the Marines, It is a a Cultural change. Personally, I don't think the Army can ever have the Brother/Sisterhood that the Marines have. I often wonder if its because of the sheer #'s of personnel in. I actually was quite impressed with the Air Force, Even they have a stronger bond and service pride to one another than I have ever felt in the Army.
Cpl Derrick Perkins
Cpl Derrick Perkins
>1 y
i was af then Marines 81-85 , then 87-92 33rd TFW, (NOMADS) ,60TH TFS ( fighting crows) very similar feelings because of what was accomplished , we were the best in the af and world , proved several times over ! , but still , not like being a MARINE !
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SPC Matthew Birkinbine
You must be talking to the wrong soldiers, Sergeant Major, because I love the Army. Marines may be more thoroughly brainwashed collectively, but I feel just as much, if not more pride in the service branch I was a part of (and at heart am still). Go Ordnance!!!
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GySgt Leo Rochon RETIRED
Edited >1 y ago
The Marine Corps instills something intangible in every recruit that is very powerful. Every Marine has a story, and every one of them starts with standing on the yellow footprints at the recruit depot. It is a right of passage to actually EARN the title Marine. A young man will never be called Marine until he earns that title. It's almost like a regal bloodline shared by all who wear the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor. That alone is a part of the lore of the Corps. To this day, and I can speak for thousands of current and former Marines, I get goose bumps every time I hear the Marines Hymn. That doesn't even happen for the national anthem. I can't even stop it, it's automatic. There is something about the Marine experience that is completely transformative. That common experience creates a fraternity that other branches find difficult to duplicate. I wrote the poem below to my son when he was in bootcamp at Parris Island. It may give you an idea of how the ethos of the Marine Corps is perpetuated.

Son Now Brother

Good morning son and brother,
I have something to pass to you,
It was passed to me some time ago,
and now you've earned it too.

It's the symbol of our beloved Corps,
loved, respected, and feared,
Worn by men of strength and honor,
earned with blood, sweat and tears.

I've polished it and kept it shiny
through my tours and all the years,
I've served my best to preserve its honor
for the nation that I hold dear.

Use each day to polish it
through the service to which you're called.
Lead your juniors every day
and its legacy teach them all.

Now it's time to pass the mantle
my Corps now belongs to you.
Protect it, and keep it safe and strong
that is my charge to you.

Good morning beloved son and now brother,
I have something to pass to you,
It's my eagle, globe and anchor,
and now you've earned it too.

Dad, Oct 2012
Capt Mark P
Capt Mark P
6 y
Gunny: very impressive! It really answers the question and shows your deep love for the Corps. I was USAF, loved it, but always had great respect for your beloved Corps. Best regards.
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LT Brad McInnis
I worked with both... My 2 cents is that the Army is too caught up in "I am", meaning what branch you are in. Regular infantry doesn't like SF, etc. In the Marines, everyone is a Marine first. My 2 cents at least, and I would still serve beside either...
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
>1 y
Cpl Bill Fleischauer - There is certainly esprit within each branch (armor, infantry, etc.) in the Army. Every Marine I ever met, called themselves a Marine first, and whatever they did second.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
A Division of one? You may be right sir.
LT Brad McInnis
LT Brad McInnis
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - SHHHH! Don't let that get out, don't want to ruin my rep! Have a great week.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Bill Fleischauer An army of one, the few, the proud, I never did like any of these old ads. Whoever allowed them to go out should have been whipped.
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Capt Michael Brown
It starts with perception.
When I enlisted in the USMC I wanted a challenge and to be a part of what I considered the 'toughest' branch. , the brainwashing culture of the USMC that starts day one of bootcamp is part of the answer. The Marine Corps Drill instructors do their job right. They challenge you to become a Marine, to become the best. That impression never left me. Not when I went to Quantico to become an officer and it still reigns in me now that I am out in the pride of 'Once a Marine Always a Marine'.
The USMC attracts quality recruits wanting to be up to the challenge. They are continually trying to measure up to 'Chesty Puller' standards. Every special force unit you run into believes it is the best whether they are SEALs or Delta Force. The Marines believe this too, except it is accepted universally in our branch of the armed forces.
Sgt Ronald Harris
Sgt Ronald Harris
>1 y
All of the services are picky now. In 1966, when I went in, the Marines were drafted in large numbers. At the induction center in Chicago, the day I went in, the MAN said,"all of you enlistees line up on my left! All of you draftees line up on my right! Now, all of you draftees count off by four! Every fourth man take one step forward! Welcome to the United States Marines! Yep, and I heard that from a number of different people from different parts of the country.
MGySgt Joseph Magyar
MGySgt Joseph Magyar
>1 y
but these individuals wee subjected to the same esprit to the Corps as the volenteers which gave them a different attitude
MGySgt Joseph Magyar
MGySgt Joseph Magyar
>1 y
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SGT Mark Halmrast
82nd Airborne
'nuff said
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LCpl Justin Alexandrea
Because they're not Marines.
Not to sound sarcastic, but that sums it up..
The Army is a valiant force, but being too large, means you just can't compare the brotherhood feeling like the corps does.
Perhaps the special forces have a tight brotherhood, similar to the Marines esprit de corps, but overall, the average soldier just doesn't value themselves in uniform or tradition, as measured against a Marine of similar now skill level.
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