Posted on Feb 15, 2018
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
Why do you think there are so many school shootings now as opposed to say 25 to 30 years ago? We all know that guns can’t shoot themselves, so obviously that is not the problem in my opinion. I honestly believe that there is a direct correlation between the rise of school shootings and the taking of God out of the classroom, and kids not getting a well deserved a** whooping. Thoughts on this?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 203
MSG PATRIOT Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer
JP4 said it. There isnt a one size fits all answer. But if we ppeel back the onion far enough, I blame the Hippies. My mother's generation. They are the ones hat started that love and feelings for everyone bs. It has spread through the decades like wild fire. Now its not Johny's fault anymore, its the bad kids that picked on him. Johny now needs meds to cope with being picked last for Elementary school soccer in PE. but everyone still gets a trophy! When will we learn that this is only going to get worse as long as we continue this type of behavior. Im not suggesting that we flip the script and are straight mean to our youth but instead raise them with a sence of realism. The good guy dosent always win like in the movie and life is hard. Oh by the way no one owes you shit get out there and work for it. If that kid is picking on you, stand up for your self. My boy was 6 and anothe kid was picking on him. He stood up and knocked the older boy down. The principal called me in. At the end of the conversation he told me that he did not condone violence even in defence of oneself. I told him that the weak ones never do. My son wasn't picked on anymore by that boy though!
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MAJ James Woods
"...the taking of God out of the classroom..."? Do elaborate. There weren't many if any school shootings while I was in public school in the 80s and 90s and it had nothing to do with prayer or religious discussion in school. Internet and cyber tech, increased exposure to radical ideologies and behavior, the changing family dynamic (more apathy and less discipline depending on meds to help control children), mental health, poor education, poor cultural values, lack of accountability by children and adults, accessibility of firearms (not the buying but the fact a kid knows where and how to access an adult family member's firearms), and lack of mentorship.
Religion begins at home with the family not in school. If parents want God in the classroom, go to a private religious school.
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Anthony Parker
Basically because parents don't parent and adults are worthless in cases of bullying in schools. This leads to the kid taking their own action which usually is to try to fight them. But it's been ending in more and more shootings. If parents would still say no every once in a while and comfort their kid when the kid needed it, this wouldn't be happening. Teachers are pretty horrible in a lot of cases as well.

I definitely feel like it has a bit to do with the fact that people are trying to be more open to everything. Essentially, society got so soft that it can no longer fulfill some of the necessary roles of producing another generation of strong people. Challenge forces people to become better to get through them. With no challenge, there is no reason to become better. Some would argue the opposite, that the shootings are the challenge to overcome. I suppose the memories the survivors have could be seen that way. A new challenge to overcome. But it doesn't really work like that for PTSD.

It also may have something to do with the nature of technology. The younger ones had access to everything at their fingertips when they were still extremely young. Granted, that allows them to be very smart at a young age. It also leads to things like the tide pod challenge and other attention seeking behaviors when combined with the terrible adults and being spoiled.
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SGT Patrick Reno
I don't get it, maybe it's because I am older or what. My brother and I were taught at a young age to always respect fire arms. When I was in school you could look out in the parking lot and see rifles in gun racks and not just during hunting season. No one ever took a firearm out, no one ever threatened anyone with a firearm. I just don't get what has changed over the last 30 years to make this happen.
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SGM Frank Marsh
most of these folks are mentally ill and most on medication. I blame the laws for them walking the streets and the doctors for not monitoring the prescriptions better. a metal detector at the door could have stopped most, or even a taser. some of the blame goes to the parents of the shooters as well and in some cases the system that didn't report them to the government. IMHO
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SSG Michael Williams
I agree...our "society" wants to punish parents for whipping their kids asses when they do wrong and instead wants to cuddle them and try to talk to them like an adults. Wrong answer.

I grew up back in the days when (while living on base) if I got into trouble which was my fault I got an "neighborhood whooping" which every parent that lived in the neighborhood WHIPS YOUR ASS so that by the time I got home my parents would ask "So, have you learned your lesson"?

Now, people will IMMEDIATELY videotape you on phone and call the Police before even know why you are whipping your kids, yet they will also be the SAME PERSON complaining when your child acts out while in public.

Educate your kids and punish them when they don't listen, period.
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Maj John Bell
Today when a kid feels bullied, fighting is not an option. In my school days it wasn't even a suspension offense. It didn't matter if you won or lost, the fact that you were willing to fight sent most of the bullies somewhere else. At the same time, reporting that you are being bullied makes you a social pariah. Finally, teachers are not out on the playgrounds and courtyards to stop bullying and protect the passive or weak. No steam is let off, and the pressure is not turned off. Eventually a kid feels trapped and decides they have no option.
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1px xxx
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More bullies today than there was 25 to 30 years ago.
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When I was back in elementary, Jr high and high school evry time dad changed duty stations I was the focus of the school bully, new guy. It would last for a few weeks until I tired of it all and turned and wailed on who-ever to the point all they could do was run. Ended up being best friends with each and every one of them. Turns out everyone of the bullies had serious issues at home.
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Never had to carry a gun to school though even though I did have access.
PO2 Matt Shippee
Personaly, I honestly believe it comes down to a lack of discipline in the home. It's not that parents don't "spank" their kids anymore, it is a total lack of punishment when they do wrong. I hear 10-12yr old kids telling their moms to "shut up" if not worse. It's one thing not to spank your child, but failure to instill discipline in the young leads to all sorts of problems. The school shootings are only the visible tip of the iceberg.
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From personal experience of being bullied the bullies where usually abused physically, sexually or emotionally. Once I tired of being bullied and wuped the tar out of each and everyone they all had the same story, abuse, mostly physical or sexual. If there is a bully at school call CPS and have the bullies parents investigated.
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LTC Stephan Porter
Your question presupposes thy there are more shootings. “Mass shootings” are down; but unsure about the ‘school’ subset. Heightened communication and speed makes it in the news more.
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