Posted on May 16, 2015
Why do some people feel the need to be openly antagonistic to Christians?
Why is it that there are people out there who feel it's their duty to abuse others verbally? I'm asking this in the context of people specifically going on the offensive because they are atheist (think Richard Dawkins, only more abusive), and the other person claims a faith, usually Christianity.
I mean, I know people who have NO beliefs in common with mine, but we can have philosophical discussions all day long without any animosity. Then there's the rather witty and very intelligent people that, once they discover a person is a Christian, flip a switch and become a shark in a feeding frenzy...
I can respect your lack of faith, even though it saddens me. I only ask that you respect mine.
***Editing Note: On 21 May 2015, I removed the tag "Politics." As the OP, I don't intend this question as an antagonistic one nor do I intend it as a political one. I am simply attempting to gain insight into the motivation behind behavior that I have personally witnessed.
I mean, I know people who have NO beliefs in common with mine, but we can have philosophical discussions all day long without any animosity. Then there's the rather witty and very intelligent people that, once they discover a person is a Christian, flip a switch and become a shark in a feeding frenzy...
I can respect your lack of faith, even though it saddens me. I only ask that you respect mine.
***Editing Note: On 21 May 2015, I removed the tag "Politics." As the OP, I don't intend this question as an antagonistic one nor do I intend it as a political one. I am simply attempting to gain insight into the motivation behind behavior that I have personally witnessed.
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 74
Because a great deal of time Christians are Just as aggressive and antagonistic of their faith. Case in point. There has been a discussion about some bases restricting what religious services are supported and which are not. Christians immediately are defending the notion. Primarily because as the majority they are not in harm of it affecting them and because they are the majority in the service a great many things are geared towards Christian practices (ceremonies, choice worship times, training endexed to accommodate Christian services only etc.) However as soon as anything threatens Christianity, oh boy. Watch out. There is immediately an outpouring of righteous indignation and the trampling of Christian freedoms and how Christians are constantly persecuted etc etc etc. I am a Christian and even I can see it. Case in point two: a SGM who walked into a training environment with a God hates fags t shirt and how the Christian Right advocates the killing of homosexuals. When delicately informed (respectfully pulled aside and quietly discussed) that he should in fact remove the shirt and the reg on proselytizing and EO was shown to him, he immediately became openly hostile and loud and combative. Yes. It's his right to believe that his Christianity is anti gay. It's a Christians right to spread the word. HOWEVER it is not their right to do so in uniform, force others to listen or take part, or feel intimidated or uncomfortable in order for Christians to practice their constitutional freedoms. Remember that our freedoms end when they infringe upon the freedoms of others and vice versa. So you ask the question why are people so antagonistic of Christians and I would say it's because of just how vocal, adamant, hostile and defensive Christians become when faced with people who don't share their faith and won't just roll over and allow it to take place. I have seen leadership, who are devout, absolutely black ball and fail to support soldiers who do not share the leaderships religious beliefs or practice other varying beliefs. I am reminded of this disparity every time I have a Muslim or jewish or Buddhist student that I am required to mandatorily force to attend a graduation ceremony where we practice Christian rites and prayers, even saying "in christs name..." During prayers (or listing in the program invocation and benediction, inherently Christian rites), and I bring it up to the powers that be that we should either make it optional to attend or remove that part from the ceremony and it starts a huge argument. So yes. As a Christian, I would say that it's more a conditioned response based on the expected and reinforced behaviors of the Christians we so often deal with. Now. NOT ALL Christians are like this. In fact Id say the majority are not, but the ones who are not seem to be the ones we most often deal with.
SFC Don Ward
MSG(P) (Join to see) - But you are not saying anything to those that may have given you a "thumbs up" and not commented? Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?
MSG(P) (Join to see)
It's not hypocritical. This is the place to make your opinion known and explain your logic. I have already done so. Simply thumbs downing something doesn't say anything. Nor does it explain what exactly you disliked or disagreed with. I don't need to say anything to those that commented or made a thumbs up because I have already said or voiced a point they agree with. If you disagree say so and we can discuss.
SFC Don Ward
It is hypocritical - if you connected or made a point that someone agrees with, then they should comment on what the connection was or what point they agreed with, not hide in the background like some mute cheerleader. Thumbs up your post, for sure, but comment what they think was right.
MSG(P) (Join to see)
Your argument makes absolutely zero sense and has zero to do with the topic at hand, that mind you is MONTHs old. I appreciate your comments. Feel free to make more if you choose but I won't continue a circular argument.
LTC John Wilson
when respect is shown there ares no conflicts, just agreement to disagree and move on.
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Damn! We're not there yet? Do you guys think we should stop for directions? :-)
Sgt Richard Buckner
SGT Anthony Rossi
SPC Charles Brown
Sgt Richard Buckner
SGT Anthony Rossi
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
Nope, we know where we are going, as long as we aren't following a 2nd LT with a compass and a map.
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