Posted on Jun 3, 2015
Blaming a minority group for everything that is wrong, making up facts, and Nazi-type hate speech... a best seller?!
We, Americans, defeated the Nazis; why is Nazi-type behavior appealing to Americans?
America is past slavery, women oppression, and other primitive ideologies; why does such fanatic racism exist in America?
We have a African American President, a Hispanic in the Supreme Court, and an Indian-American as Governor; how does a minority-hater writer become best sellers?
We, Americans, defeated the Nazis; why is Nazi-type behavior appealing to Americans?
America is past slavery, women oppression, and other primitive ideologies; why does such fanatic racism exist in America?
We have a African American President, a Hispanic in the Supreme Court, and an Indian-American as Governor; how does a minority-hater writer become best sellers?
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 8
I'm not a huge fan of hers but being anti- illegal immigrant doesn't make you racist. By allowing the illegal immigration it makes matters worse in Mexico, whereas if they had to stay there they'd revolt and possibly clean up their own country. Mexico is more than willing to let their citizens come here and for us to education their citizens, heck our schools probably preach more anti-americanism than Mexican schools.
Because it caters to a fear based thought process. It reinforces biases and justifies our hate. We don't have to admit to our own cowardice because we can now share it with others and think that it is normal and acceptable.
For the same reason that Ann Coulter is appealing to some Americans. Who knows??
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Every one knows the answer to that, the answer there are still a lot of bigoted scum in the US they are just not the majority anymore.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
PO3 John Wagner - She makes a fortune spewing psychotic hate to racists and bigots , That is the sole product she produces.
PO3 John Wagner
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - This is true. Most of them drive fuel efficient foreign cars or crossovers, most are college educated whites who are so superior in their own minds and sure of their "rightness" that they not only insist on being must agree with them and like it or be labeled a hater. They are called Liberals and take the form of social justice warriors. So Nelson you are quite correct. There are huge numbers of bigoted scum in the US. They might be the majority but that is why we have an electoral college.
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