Posted on Sep 15, 2015
Why are so many people "Dissatisfied" with the Performance of President Obama?
I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 146
I hate to say this but if you can't see why he has been an utter failure as a POTUS, then you really need to start paying attention to the news and not the (gushing over him CNN crowd nor the Fox crowd). This guys Mickey Mouse foreign policy is a f$&@ing joke and his treatment of Israel is absolutely unexcuseable. We are a laughing stock of other world leaders, we are bowing down to Iran over this BS nuclear deal and don't even get me started on this Pacific Trade deal which actually has legislation weaseled into it that promotes illegal aliens in this country that your tax dollars are paying for....I could go on...but it wouldn't do any good.
SFC Parrish Henderson
Well thank you SPC. I was not trying to be rude towards you, just speaking my opinion. Regardless of your opinion or mine, our race, creed or religious differences, we are brothers in arms having been one of the 1% of the population to defend the United States. For that, I thank you for your service and wish you the very best in your military and civilian career.
Amazingly gifted and eloquent speaker and well prepared to deliver the information that he believes we want to hear. However, much like a theatrical performance, when the script is done, the curtain goes down, the makeup and costume comes off and the cast and crew reverts to their true identity, only in this can true intentions be known.
"The nation's employers added 271,000 jobs in October, and the unemployment rate ticked down slightly to 5 percent in a solid report on labor market conditions. Wages grew 2.5 percent over the past year, their strongest yearly performance since the recession officially ended in June 2009.
Today's report portrayed a very different job market than that seen in the September release, when payrolls were up a by only (a revised) 137,000. As I stressed last month ("a weak report, but does it represent a true downshift?"), this sort of volatility is to be expected in "high-frequency" data and it is a strong reminder not to over-weight any one month's data when forming your views of the job market.
Better to average monthly payroll gains as seen in my monthly smoother below. Over the past three months, payrolls were up 187,000 on average, compared to 235,000 over the past year. That suggests a mild deceleration of job growth, but I consider anything above 150K to be solid employment growth meaning enough jobs per month to put legitimate downward pressure on the jobless rate."
Today's report portrayed a very different job market than that seen in the September release, when payrolls were up a by only (a revised) 137,000. As I stressed last month ("a weak report, but does it represent a true downshift?"), this sort of volatility is to be expected in "high-frequency" data and it is a strong reminder not to over-weight any one month's data when forming your views of the job market.
Better to average monthly payroll gains as seen in my monthly smoother below. Over the past three months, payrolls were up 187,000 on average, compared to 235,000 over the past year. That suggests a mild deceleration of job growth, but I consider anything above 150K to be solid employment growth meaning enough jobs per month to put legitimate downward pressure on the jobless rate."

Solid Jobs Report Will Likely Lead the Fed to Raise Next Month... But What About After That?
The nation's employers added 271,000 jobs in October, and the unemployment rate ticked down slightly to 5 percent in a solid report on labor market conditions. Wages grew 2.5 percent over the past year, their strongest yearly performance since the recession officially ended in June 2009.
Ban the Box: The Left’s Latest Lunacy | Fix This Nation .com via sharethis
I think it boils down to racism, pure and simple. The economy is much better than when he took office. More people are employed. The deficeit is smaller. All in spite of a brutally hostile GOP.
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