Posted on Sep 15, 2015
Why are so many people "Dissatisfied" with the Performance of President Obama?
I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 147
As one who has lived through nine Presidents I have never seen such an attack on American culture, its economy, its military (purging the war fighter generals). Obamma's alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamists around the world. The ability to overwhelm our system of government, Law enforcement, and allow the murder of blacks in the inner cities is appalling. Then to elevate homosexual sub culture to some sort of mainstream honorable level is another attack on American culture. Creating the highest financial deficits in world history that will leave our grandchildren with little hope of recovery. Creating the highest level of government dependency via closing industry such as coal mining, Keystone Pipeline, through allowing a non-elected government agency to write laws (The EPA). Increases in taxes via Obamma care. Forcing people to have to apply for food stamps, unemployment and other government aid like Medicade and Social Security disability because there are no jobs. Under his watch Food Stamp program recipients doubled. The sequester that is forcing government agencies such as the Department of Defense to cut their budgets while the Obamma's go on million dollar vacations to Europe. Committing outright fraud with Obamma care (you can keep your doctor, premiums will be cheaper, better medical care) then manipulating the Supreme Court to admit Obamma Care is a tax in order to get it to pass into law. Appointing openly gay jurists to the Supreme Court in order to get gay marriage allowed as law of the land. And you ask why people are angry about our President? And I wonder why people are so naĂŻve when they vote for such a person who despises America our culture, our military, our Constitution, family, and leaving the country with No Hope.
You and people like you are the reason this idiot is president. If you are this Blind than you will never understand! You might as well vote Hillary2016 with the rest of the Dumbasses!
CPO William Hughes
I'll vote for either Hilary or Bernie but you can bet your a-- it won't be a Republican!! The party of fear.
what planet do you live on,nothing from nothong leaves nothing.except $18.5TRILLION in debt
If you do not support the Constitution of the USA then you are not doing your job.
"I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts"....SPC Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin,
Why not ask yourself ...are you better off than you were seven years ago? And is our country better off than it was seven years ago? And look ahead to the next year will you and our nation be better off ?
You are only going to find a lot of partisan rhetoric to your question which I am sure you have seen before.
There's not much we can say or do that will change anything that Obama has done or will do .
Thomas J. Cunnally
SPC Andrew Griffin,
Why not ask yourself ...are you better off than you were seven years ago? And is our country better off than it was seven years ago? And look ahead to the next year will you and our nation be better off ?
You are only going to find a lot of partisan rhetoric to your question which I am sure you have seen before.
There's not much we can say or do that will change anything that Obama has done or will do .
Thomas J. Cunnally
He has betrayed America more than once. If you cannot see that then there's no hope for you.
The meme is blatantly false and neglects to recognize the vehement hatred directed at George W. Bush.
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