Posted on Apr 7, 2015
PV2 Violet Case
It was ordered that the VA contact all veterans about the Fort McClellan issues of toxic poisoning. No one has got the letter. I still have not got a letter in writing from them stating I may have or was in contact with toxic exposure. And they throw the claims in the garbage. It seems they try to slip by on it. I wanted to post this out there because now yet more have been exposed and it is said they are supposed to be contacted. I pray for their sakes that they will find you and help you. I they don't contact you from here please contact them. They are going to kill us all at this rate.
Posted in these groups: Toxic leadership logo Toxic Leadership
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 4
CPT Aaron Kletzing
I do not understand the title of this thread -- can someone clarify the title for me? Perhaps suggesting some minor edits, and then an admin can go make those edits? As it is written now, I am not sure what the title means...
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
I am sorry CPT Aaron Kletzing. I was trying to mainly ask why they say they will contact people when they have not for years from Ft Mac and they said they were going to. I have a goal to try to be sure that all soldiers no if they may have been in contact with toxins. Because it seems the government does not do their part at individual contacting. I keep up on it very closely because of what happened to me and how many years I have gone without the proper care I needed. I did ask someone to check it out with the question and location. Since my stroke I do not comprehend as well as I used to as to what questions to ask or in a proper place to put these questions. My mind is filled with questions since I found out what caused all my illnesses. Maybe I should not be asking them here but I have gotten more and better answers and support from RP then anywhere else. These toxins leave horrifying lives for people and their families. If I would have joined RP sooner and got the helpful advise that I have to better things and how to take probiotics and certain helpful things I probably would be gone. I think living up here away from the smog and eating healthy raw garden foods throughout my life also is what has helped me. If you feel this question needs to be reworded or in a different area please help. And thank you bless you all. But take care of yourselves with the fresh veggies, fruits and probiotics and detox your body once in awhile. I guess in some ways I face fear that time is running shorter and so much left I want to do and can not do alone.I took another veterans wife in to apply for my disability at the va claims to help me, she had to do it for her husband too. I used to be very smart, many tell me I still am very up on things but I can tell the difference. It could also be the two new meds they put me on. I dont see the VA doctor until June 1st. But don't get a lot of answers there anymore either it always ends up in more meds. I would rather see them start finding cures, if they create a toxin they should also create a cure if they are to use it to protect our soldiers.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
Actually not sure what has happened here it was supposed to be a thread on the new exposure but was trying to tell the soldier not to hold their breath in hopes to get a letter because I have been waiting one since 1978. they admit exposure to me and who ever gives me a ride because I bring someone with me most of the time so more have heard it then just me about my exposure and still no letter so I wanted to let these soldier no if they do not get a letter to act on it themselves and get in there and do it because it will take the VA along time.
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SP5 Fred Waters
Violet, I was there for around 17 months. I used to guard that stuff. So now I am worried.
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SGM David W. Carr  LOM, DMSM  MP SGT
I am one of those unfortunate soldiers and a Prostrate Cancer survivor since 2009.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
SGM David W.F.Carr LOM DMSM, which unfortunate soldier from Ft McClellan or this new one? And have they contacted you yet? If not there must be something we can do. The only problem is I found out since the VA went off paper to the computer the VA has it locked down for us to get attorneys so the attorney to get our information we have to sign and agree that we will open our medical records to all the public and that I think is very wrong those are our records and we should be allowed to lock them down and only allow certain people or facilities to use them.
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Why are people not being properly notified or responded to from officals about possible exposure to toxins on Ft. McClellan?
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
PV2 Violet Case, what illnesses do you have as a result of your exposure, if you don't mind me asking?
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
10 y
Img 1246
Ok we will start with the list of what hit while in the service first and are in my military medical records.
rashes, bleeding from all openings, headaches, acid reflux, gerd, chin splints but that was from the boots, hypertension, depression, anxiety,lungs and a few more without the records in my lap at moment.
But as it went on in life , I ended up with miscarriage,
A baby born with bowels not fully developed, could not drink milk products. Her feet were turned inward and chemical brain imbalance. Now she deals with cancer, and my oldest deals with headaches depression anxiety and suicidal thoughts. And as both my girls grew up they had learning disabilities what they called ADHD, (hypertension) depression and more.
I have thyroid, kidney, heart, rashes, headaches, depression, memory troubles, bone trouble, degenerative disk disease, anxiety,had early gallbladder removal at young age and a complete hystorectomy at young age too. Sorry people trouble spelling to anymore, and arthuritis, new this past yr tremors and muscle cramping, can't always eat regular foods must be soft or smoothies to get it down had two stomach surgeries, in which one had a lump right at the asvilus that the doctor sent in to test for cancer and the lab asked what it was and where it came from. And the doctor said a patients stomach. Nothing more has been said on it. I have had two kidney surgeries. had to have my urinary tube opened so I could even go to the bathroom. I have been having comprehension troubles. Pain beyond any meds helping. I have had many nervous break downs and actual scars from heart attacks some I did not even no I was having and two strokes, I have fibromyalgia, attempted suicides twice, prior PTSD??And now they are talking about my blood pressure has been to high for to long and may need meds. But so far found a friend on RP that gave me some advise to help and so far this last two weeks only have registered twice of having a bit higher blood pressure then they wanted, but it is not every day anymore. But the PTSD I can tell it is still in my closet. I am on 28 pills a day not counting the multivitamin and probiotics. And all they let me claim on is the anxiety, depression and stomach. But rated me at 100% for those three things and closed the claim on Fort Mac. But yet the VA doctors said they are surprised I am still alive. They asked me in Telemeds what they could do for me, I said give me, me back and and then told me they couldn't and asked me if I know I am going to dye from this. That really helps me mentally. These are just some that I can think of. For many years civilian doctors and psychologists could not believe so much could be wrong with one person. When I went to the psychologist in 98 he could not believe me. So I took my files with pictures, xrays, doctor reports back then and within 3 weeks he had me on ssdi. But I was able to work from home part time not enough tho to do it and went on the work program where I could earn so much if I went over that they would take it out of check. But that was ok I worked when I could from home. But now so many said there was something odd about that 100% permanent unemployable and could not run business at home anymore. But they are right I can't And then they sent me a letter saying they were closing the application for Ft Mac. But they told me in Fargo if I did the claim on Ft Mac it would be denied right away because it was not passed yet. Well it was already proven what happened at Ft Mac and all the people have similar things going on. And all nine of my grandkids are having troubles, a matter of fact one is going to be on tv here soon on the news for being bullied because of his learning disabilities and his troubles and he cut his self twice on his arm. I had three grandbabies be born and taken from this hospital to ICU at birth. Why won't they just admit they messed up and try to help us all better. But I always seem to get these I will call you and the calls don't come and things don't happen like they say. I have contacted Al Franken's office and got this letter back from him, but am I really in my heart believing anything will help me or anyone in the system. My trailer house has a shop built on the front so it looks big from the outside. But I can not use a wheelchair or walker it is not wide enough in halls to get down or ramps to get in. And my worst is winter time or weather changes before. Today we got snow and some cold winds and that could have been part of last night and todays pain too. My younger daughter wrote to the show this old house to see if they could help me. Because the doctor said a hot tub and some things for use in therapy and using my walker more and I could not even get a hospital bed when they said they wanted my head above my stomach and my foot elevated at night they sent me a wedge pillow instead and when I am here like now no support when sitting up to work on crafts or computer and the way it makes my back in a v when laying adds more back pain. There are times snow must be removed from additions and stuff. I no moving sounds like an answer but I cant afford house payments or rent and what I struggled with to have what I have here and the way people help me when I have hard times going to town I want to stay here the people want me to stay but they can only do so much. Maybe once I am dead and they bury me I will get one last attention of it. They are supposed to be killing the enemy not our own U.S. Soldiers.
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