Posted on Aug 15, 2014
1SG John O.
Why are fewer young veterans joining veteran organizations %28vfw  american legion%29 post military service
Our WWII Veteran ranks are very thin, and we are losing many Korean War Veterans now. Vietnam Veterans are in their upper 60s or 70s already. My point is, our stories and our history is shared across the generations in lodges and halls across the country, but fewer Veterans are joining these organizations post military. Who will tell their stories when they are all gone....who will tell our stories? Curious to others opinions on this subject! Thanks in advance! AATW!
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Responses: 238
SGM Matthew West
I would like to say as a Commander of Post 3619 in DeRidder, LA, I had the same issue with getting new younger members involved. So I started my campaign on what is the VFW doing for our Veterans of Today. In the 2012-2013 VFW calendar year, our post of about 326 members (at the time), GAVE BACK $48,000 in one year to our community programs, needy veterans and veteran services. $48,000! I was actually off by about 13,000 when I was doing quick math in my head. That year we made All State, this past year, we were All State and All American, by increasing our membership by 73 people. This was due to bringing in some more active duty members, getting them involved, participating and just being part of our family. Most young people think of the VFW as a place where old guys go to drink beer on Sundays.....does that happen? Well yes, but it is so much more. Membership is about numbers that are represented in Congress when trying to get Veteran Related issues passed. Between all of the organizations, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, AMVETS and such, we have a great voice on Capitol Hill.
SPC Kari Grove Wright
SPC Kari Grove Wright
>1 y
SGM Matthew West - that is what I got from it, since she kept telling me I needed to be related to a VFW. She didn't think I was a veteran. I served in Afghanistan from 2010-2011. They said they don't have an auxiliary anymore, that dependants can join the VFW now. I have disabled veteran plates, and people always ask my husband where he was stationed. (He is a vet that never deployed). I finally ended up getting a plate frame that says female veteran, Afghanistan. Women tend to get overlooked as veterans.
SFC Everett Oliver
SFC Everett Oliver
>1 y
SPC Kari Grove Wright - Not from me, I pay my grand nieces dues as long as she is on active duty.....When she comes home she can start paying them... Currently at Ft Bragg...
PFC Rodney Perry
PFC Rodney Perry
8 y
SPC Robin Price-Dirks - yup, i was also denied entry into the American Legion, fir the very same thing. Honorably discharged in 88 and been rejected ever i gave up. But yup, they still want me to make a donation. But nope, reject me, and u reject you
GySgt James Marchinke
GySgt James Marchinke
8 y
SPC Robin Price-Dirks - That is correct Robin but your dates of service may qualify you for the American Legion and if not you may join the AMVETS
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MSG Wade Huffman
This is an issue that all the service organizations are facing. The bottom line is that these groups (VFW, American Legion, DAV, AMVETS, etc.) are our primary voice in Washington and provide representation through accredited Service Officers in the filing of VA Claims.. as the local posts struggle and die off, these program become in danger of going away. Membership starts at the local level. These posts need to start reaching out to our younger veterans to get them (and their families) involved.
Before anyone starts, yes, I understand there are numerous posts out there 'stuck in the dark ages' that don't want to change things.. but it's going to have to happen if they want to keep their posts alive and 'young blood' is the only answer.
All it takes is to get a few younger members and allow them to help 'tailor' programs to attract more... it CAN be done, it NEEDS to be done. The services these organizations provide (Nationally and Locally) are needed but can't continue without membership.
As a message to all of you younger vets on this site.. at least TRY to get involved at a local post... give them fresh ideas, it doesn't take much time! PLEASE!
PO1 Jim Spencer
PO1 Jim Spencer
>1 y
SPC Bryan Jasmantas - I joined and paid my dues even though I was paying over $800.00 in child support and working a minimum wage job. Fortunately my Post had a program where after a yeaqr if you wanted to be a Life Member they would pay half the cost. My ex wife actually gave me the money I needed for it. Guess I was lucky. Check with your local Post. Some of them will work with you.
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
>1 y
SPC Bryan Jasmantas - Visit you local posts. Many (but not all) will pay for your first year of membership. If they don't have this program, it's not unheard of for a post member to 'sponsor' you for your first year. You'll never know unless you ask! Good luck!
PO2 Robert Broussard
PO2 Robert Broussard
>1 y
SPC Robin Price-Dirks - My story is the same.
SPC Robin Price-Dirks
SPC Robin Price-Dirks
>1 y
SPC Robin Price-Dirks - Oh and BTW I am a spit away from Fort Carson, Colorado! Shameful how we get treated so close to so many military bases!
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CPO Bobby Welch
Wow what a wonderful discussion. As the Commander of a VFW that has a very large percentage of OIF/OEF veterans I find this conversation enlightening... as matter of fact of the 11 elected officers of the post 8 of them are OIF/OEF vets, myself included. Many of you stated that you were turned off by the "old timers" unfortunately I have seen this firsthand... I finally found a post that had open arms towards the younger vets. Living south of Chicago I can drive 20 min in any direction and run into at least 10 posts, most of them I am sure are on their last leg. They just don't "get it." As for the younger vets on here that do not belong to a VSO, please join one. Its a numbers game in Washington and its just like in a fight... he who has the most guns, wins... you should see the list of resolutions from the VFW National Convention that the organization is going to push on Congress, many of them are geared toward helping the new generation of returning warriors.

You do not have to belong to a particular post, there is a member at large option. You will receive the same benefits as a member of a post... Car Rental Discounts, Life Insurance, Magazine for the Organization, Etc. but no matter what you have to try, you have to fight for what you want, nothing is free in this life. Do not be discouraged because of one bad experience at a post.

As others have stated in previous comments... I am going to take this thread to a higher level in the organization and hopefully there can be a change that will benefit both parties.
CPO John Sheuring
CPO John Sheuring
10 y
Amen CPO Bobby Welch, you are doing what it takes to get people to come in and to support the post. It takes active participation to help in growing a post and to help maintain the membership.
SPC Sherrie Chapman
SPC Sherrie Chapman
10 y
I've visited posts.. never felt welcome. Felt judged... Who was I to be on their turf? They were always grubby here too. Except the one in Garden City, Idaho. That one was nice, just not nearby. :(
CPO Zack Lindsey
CPO Zack Lindsey
>1 y
Hey chief hit the nail on the head I also ( this is just my nickels worth but what I have seen in a lot of the ones I have tryed to go in to ) is that the aux like the football clubs that belong to them they are not vets but they bring funds to them they look at the new folks that are vets that try to bring changes that they do not like cause it is going to hurt them even tho they are not vets. But sence they that is not right and cause they have the ear of a voting member that could be member will not be one
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