Posted on Apr 22, 2015
PO2 Neil Manischewitz
Be it a misunderstanding of rank, or not being able to identify rank all together, has this "I totally looked like a fool just now" moment ever happen to you?
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Responses: 52
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
I salute Specialists all the time, looks like LTC rank from a distance. I have also saluted a few SSgts and TSgts because their rank looks like Major rank in multi-cams. They think it's funny and I get a little chuckle out of it too, while they're doing push-ups.
CPT Bruce Beattie
CPT Bruce Beattie
>1 y
The last I heard is that Cadet is a military rank. Fits right in there with WOs, between Officers and NCOs. They are appropriately addressed as either "Cadet" or "Mister". Therefore it is totally appropriate for enlisted soldiers of all ranks to salute them. Especially during times when they are acting in officer positions during training. Admittedly, this is honored more by being generally ignored by everyone including the cadets!
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
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CPT Bruce Beattie
Technically I don't think Cadet is a military rank and you are not required to salute them. I usually require my Soldiers to salute them when they come to the units for their summer "internship" because they are placed in platoon leader positions so, I have the Soldiers treat them as such.
CPT Bruce Beattie
CPT Bruce Beattie
>1 y
CSM (verify To See) I invite you to peruse AR600-20 dated Oct 14. You will find several references to the rank of "Cadet". In each instance it appears in the tables and charts just below WOs and above Senior NCOs. The charts go so far as to list proper forms of address and the abreviation "CDT" as proper for their rank. I have not yet researched the regulations requiring saluting but I assure you that technically Cadet is a real army rank. Saluting is a proper military greeting between all ranks, not just Officers and Enlisted. Saluting is just our military fraternity's way of greeting our brothers and sisters in arms. So, I salute you and recognize your years of dedication to our country's cause!
Capt Afit Student
Capt (Join to see)
8 y
When I was stationed at Fort Sam Houston, I saluted a number of specialists because I was leaving or arriving at the hospital in the dark and I couldn't tell if they were LTCs. It made me appreciate the difference between officer and enlisted ranks in the USAF.
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SrA Kelly Richard
I got smoked by a Navy E7 for accidentally saluting him when I was still in training after bootcamp... He was wearing his dress whites and I saw something shiny on his cover... I was in the military for all of three or four months at that point. I also learned at that same moment, other branches really hate to be called sir.
PO2 Neil Manischewitz
PO2 Neil Manischewitz
>1 y
LT (Join to see) not going to lie sir, I've made that comment before too, jokingly of course and never to an officer. But that's literally what I heard from across the street from the Chief I saluted!
SrA Kelly Richard
SrA Kelly Richard
>1 y
Yes, and I was midly irritated at first, because my dad was a mustang, and thought, well my dad certainly worked for a living, and if his aircraft needed maintenance, he would get his hands dirty and help them fix it. Plus, we were raised to call everyone sir/ma'am or Mr./Mrs... Sir is always easier and faster than trying to figure out rank. I never heard the one about knowing who your parents are being and enlisted vs. officers thing.
CSM Brigade Operations (S3) Sergeant Major
CSM (Join to see)
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The Air Force and their "Sir"....drives me nuts!!! Very respectful but insane, you think we would have learned each others rank structure by least the enlisted. LOL!
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
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If, as a senior NCO, you're smoking someone for rendering a salute instead of correcting them, you're wrong.
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CW2(P) Uh 60 M Pilot In Command
I damn-near did this yesterday... Walking down a road in the back 40. Full kit (including my salted/sweaty eyepro) with the setting sun in my eyes. Soldier walking by...go to throw up the salute...get closer and realize its a it off like im adjusting my kevlar. Close one...
SFC Deputy Station Commander
SFC (Join to see)
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Good one.
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