Posted on Mar 18, 2014
1LT Surgical Nurse
I was commissioned last year in August 2013, and I was told that I was going to get an incentive called the BSN strap.  On all of the paperwork that came back from the National Guard Bureau states that I was to be getting this incentive.  But the recruiter didn't put in the paperwork on time and they eliminated the program on 1 October 2013.  I was told due to the government shutdown and fact that the recruiter didn't have the paperwork ready on the day that I commissioned.  I was SOL and the recruiter states that they don't want to be audited and that they wont redo the paperwork to reflect that.  I feel that this is a breech of contract but I don't want out of the military.  I just want the National Guard to make this issue right and pay me the incentive that I was promised.  I feel that I am being given the run around.  So my question to everyone is who do I need to call or email or talk to so I can get this taken care of. 
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Responses: 3
CPT It Specialist
Taking a look at the incentive it seems it incurs a service obligation between 1-4 years. Is this service obligation reflected anywhere in your contract?
1LT Surgical Nurse
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It was on all of the paperwork that the recruiter send to the National Guard bureau.   It was the incentive that was promised to me when I sending up and swore in.  The National Guard Bureau approved the paperwork and due to the Government shutdown and the recruiter not sending in the paperwork in a timely manner.  The incentive was eliminated and even thou I commissioned in August they still wont make this issue right.  I seems like to should be handled the right way and fix it.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
While the IG is a valuable resource and would look into this for you, let me suggest a couple other courses of action, you should be able to solve this yourself - going straight to the IG will make you look weak and look like you lack confidence to solve problems.

I suggest going to the recruiting station and engage once more with you recruiter. (Do your homework and know who the station 1SG/NCOIC and station commander are) Be prepared to ask the same recruiter to assist you getting an appointment with the 1SG &/or commander (they will normally have an open door policy).

Bottom line, this is a command issue, you bring it up to the station commander directly and the with the assistance of your PMS or your commander. If all fails, by all means involve the IG but the IG will want to know what steps you've taken and who is involved this far.
1LT Surgical Nurse
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I want to say that I did all that you had suggested and I even got the IG involved and still nothing.  I feel that this is a recruitment issue and the National Guard Bureau had all of the remarks on the date that they approved my packet.  I feel that I am getting the run around and I just don't know who else to contact.  I even have my Congressman looking into the issue.  I feel that this is a simple issue that if handled correctly would be over with quickly.  So far I have done everything that I was ask and they aren't upholding their end of the deal.  I have been back in the service since August and that's 8 months so that is over $18,000 that I should have been receiving since that date I commissioned. I think that this issue should be handled at an expedient pace to handle this.  Thanks for the help and advice.
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LTC Program Manager
Go to your IG (Inspector General).  They will look into it and tell you whether you are really SOL or not.
1LT Surgical Nurse
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I already tried that issue.  I feel that I need contact who will not stop till I get this issue handled.  Thanks for the advice.
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