Posted on Jul 27, 2020
Amn Dennis Burge
For 10 years I have tried to get hearing aids. I missed a Dr appointment that I didn't know about. Before then and after I have called, fill filled out forms to yhe amount that my file is 2 inches thick. Local reps don't know how to help.
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
I would recommend getting a hold of a DAV Representative and filing an appeal with the VA. Have you applied at the VA yet Amn Dennis Burge?
Amn Dennis Burge
Amn Dennis Burge
>1 y
Thank you Sir
PO3 Aaron Hassay
PO3 Aaron Hassay
>1 y
Sir and Mr Burge,

I notice you served in 1962?
Are you looking for service connection for disability connected military service?
Are you looking just for medical care hearing aid?
I believe you should reach out directly to your senator in Durant Oklahoma.

In California my Senator Pelosi has a veteran service represenative who wrote directly to the VA on my behalf. In your case I think this would be valuable. The other steps with appeals that last 10 years like yours need Senator assistance, given you years of service, and your needs.

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 443 Oklahoma City, OK 73105

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PO3 Aaron Hassay
PO3 Aaron Hassay
>1 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs -

Sir and Mr Burge,

I notice you served in 1962?
Are you looking for service connection for disability connected military service?
Are you looking just for medical care hearing aid?
I believe you should reach out directly to your senator in Durant Oklahoma.

In California my Senator Pelosi has a veteran service represenative who wrote directly to the VA on my behalf. In your case I think this would be valuable. The other steps with appeals that last 10 years like yours need Senator assistance, given you years of service, and your needs.

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 443 Oklahoma City, OK 73105

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Email Senator
Executive Assistant:
Anita Clayton

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Capitol Address:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Room 456.2
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
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Legislative Assistant:
Ashley Stuart
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
Amn Dennis Burge - Check out the information above from PO3 Aaron Hassay
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PO3 Aaron Hassay
Sir and Mr Burge,

I notice you served in 1962?
Are you looking for service connection for disability connected military service?
Are you looking just for medical care hearing aid?
I believe you should reach out directly to your senator in Durant Oklahoma.

In California my Senator Pelosi has a veteran service representative who wrote directly to the VA on my behalf. In your case I think this would be valuable. The other steps with appeals that last 10 years like yours need Senator assistance, given you years of service, and your needs.

2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 443 Oklahoma City, OK 73105

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Email Senator
Executive Assistant:
Anita Clayton

Hi-Resolution Photo Link!
Capitol Address:
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Room 456.2
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
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Legislative Assistant:
Ashley Stuart
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MAJ John Lavin
Calm down. The end of the world is not eminent. So you missed an appointment. Just call the scheduling department and talk to them. Be polite and explain what happened and why it happened and ask them to reschedule. I have literally moved mountains at the VA simply because I was friendly, polite, and told the VA people up front that I screwed up and I was sorry. Try this and see what happens. Call. Be polite, And be up front with them. Good luck.
Amn Dennis Burge
Amn Dennis Burge
>1 y
Major, I hope your interpretation of of my post doesn't reflect on your past leadership as an officer. I am calm, you are not talking to an enlisted man. You are addressing a person who for 45 years wrote the book on polite and friendly. Try not to be so condescending.
MAJ John Lavin
MAJ John Lavin
>1 y
You post sounded to me like someone complaining about past events caused by his or her
MAJ John Lavin
MAJ John Lavin
>1 y
Sorry, I pushed the wrong key. Again, your post seemed to be a complaint because you erred and didn’t want to accept responsibility for your own errors or omissions. Everyone always blames the VA for treating their claim erroneously and forget that the VA must interpret the law every time they review a claim. I read your post as being from someone who hadn’t been fairly treated by the VA but who hadn’t done a thing to correct that situation through the proper VA Channels and who was now making their gripe known to the universe. For example, what proof did you present to the VA that you, as an individual, had any sort of hearing difficulty on AD and that you had presented yourself to your AD medical organization for care and had documented proof from that organization that you were able to present to the VA? You said you have 2 inches of paperwork. What proof do you have that proves that you had a hearing issue on AD in that paperwork? Does the VA have that proof? If not, why not? So if you have a AD hearing issue YOU have to prove it to the VA. The VA, by law, is prohibited to from trying to obtain any documentation form anyone that you had not specify to them and had provided written permission to them with your claim to obtain. So, again, chill out. Get a VSO and stop blaming the VA. And if you have proof in the 2 inch pile of documentation that the VA can use, give it to them.
MAJ John Lavin
MAJ John Lavin
>1 y
This is my last comment on this issue. For years the VA had denied my claims for a specific condition. I couldn’t understand why. No matter what proof I ever provided the VA it was not enough. So in a conversation I had with the VSO representing me I made the off hand comment that VA Medical Care had me evaluated for the condition thru a private medical organization and that their findings are based on the AD proof I gave to the private organization. The VSO said “the VA is aware of that study but YOU had never given the VA BENEFITS people written permission to obtain that study so they could not obtain it and will not use the study in their evaluations because it’s against the law for for them to use it. In fact, I (the VSO) know about the study but because you never signed the form to give the VA Evaluators or me permission to obtain the study, I’m (the VSO) not permitted to get it for them”. And this is absolute fact.

So stop blaming the VA if you didn’t provide them the evidence they need to verify your claim.
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