Posted on Feb 4, 2016
Which works of art most accurately and strikingly capture the modern military experience?
I am floored by the work of Max Uriarte of Terminal Lance Fame. I was one of the Kickstarter supporters for his White Donkey project and received and read my copy the other day. It is now sold out but has my strongest endorsement for when it's back in stock.
The artistic quality and skill and the depth of the content got me thinking: what is the best medium for modern military art you have seen?
The artistic quality and skill and the depth of the content got me thinking: what is the best medium for modern military art you have seen?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
I would say Duffel Blog, but that may not be a work of art in the classic sense. The pieces that "best" capture the military as it really is could never be a book or a movie, as it would have to be too boring and too bureaucratic to ever sell. Humor is therefore the best platform to relay the military through a relatively unfiltered lens.
Now if you ask which one captures the greatest heroism in the military, that's a different question.
Now if you ask which one captures the greatest heroism in the military, that's a different question.
I love Terminal Lance. It is very well done, always on point and usually pretty funny. My preference though is Non Fiction books. You get depth and breadth in a work of non fiction that you simply cannot get from a film/cartoon/ song etc (although there are some great songs, Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel is a good example).
Some of the Non Fiction works I think are stellar are:
With the Old Breed and Peleliu and Okinawa - Sledge
Band of Brothers - Ambrose
Helmet for My Pillow - Leckie
The Hill Fights - Murphy
The Last Stand of Fox Company - Drury & Clavin
Generation Kill - Wright
Some of the Non Fiction works I think are stellar are:
With the Old Breed and Peleliu and Okinawa - Sledge
Band of Brothers - Ambrose
Helmet for My Pillow - Leckie
The Hill Fights - Murphy
The Last Stand of Fox Company - Drury & Clavin
Generation Kill - Wright
LTC Paul Labrador
PVT Murphys Law was one of my favorites. To bad MSG Baker (the artist) retired the series....
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