Posted on Nov 17, 2018
Which seminary (MDiv) producing schools reduce their tuition/have a tuition that is 100% covered by Federal Tuition Assistance?
Are there any seminary (MDiv) producing schools that will reduce their tuition/have a tuition that is 100% covered by Federal Tuition Assistance?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Liberty University’s tuition is fully covered by Federal Tuition Assistsnce and they offer online and residence MDiv programs ( I have used TA there and will finish with MDiv on Dec 14, 2018)
If you're looking to be a chaplain, make sure you're spending at least half your time in a brick & mortar environment. There's a lot of schools which will accept FTA. If you're in the NY Guard, NY may also provide tuition assistance for in state programs. Many others seminaries will offer scholarships or rebates for servicemembers as well. Finally, there's a lot of scholarships available for chaplain candidates from third party sources. Do the leg work of checking with the schools that are 1. Close enough for you to attend & 2. Match your theological views and your endorser. If you plan to physically attend liberty, it's a great school. If you're still in the NY Guard and plan to stay up North there are still some great, sound schools up there. PM if you have questions
LT (Join to see)
It's not a matter of *having to; it's a matter of best preparing yourself for what is already a challenging process. The three services have all noted a correspondence between online-only seminary education and poorer performance. This is not to say that every pastor or chaplain with an online-only education is more poorly prepared but to say that so far online only seminaries have on average done a poorer job of preparing seminarians for their calling than brick & mortar institutions. This may change as technology revolutionizes the education process and schools learn from their mistakes; but why would you bank on that. Right now, it's common to mitigate an online-only education with four units of CPE or gain additional in-person education. Clinical Pastoral Education is incredible and every chaplain should consider pursuing it, but why not complete CPE as an already outstanding candidate rather than to make up for your education. The three services may loosen their requirements in the short term as they feel the pressure for more chaplains, but it's wise to bank on those standards increasing as the billets fill up.
You can get a scholarship at Campbellsville University, Campbellsvile, Kentucky. It's a Seminary College.
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