Posted on Aug 9, 2015
Which countries’ nationals and troops did you prefer working with?
I want to know what foreign troops you have worked with and your views on them. I only mentioned Iraqis and Afghans, because that is my experience base, but feel free to mention non-combat experiences as well. I, personally, despised the Iraqis as they would act so hard, but were often scared kids. They were lazy and could care less about what happened to their country. I had respect for the Afghans because they did care and were willing to fight to get everyone out of their country.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
Most any European Nation. I can't say I really enjoyed working with any Middle Eastern Army. The Kurds weren't that bad but it is hard to work with an army that isn't any where near your level. The worst part is that most of them don't care nor want to be on your level.
Sgt William Biggs
^Exactly. They don't want to be on our level and I think that is both cultural and strategic. The more they suck, the more they can get us to do the work for them. It was infuriating. The ones that did care came up to us crying and shaking our hands as they left. Seriously! I had an IP commander bring his whole family when we left the city and they all shook our hands and hugged us. I felt bad for that guy.
CPT (Join to see)
Sgt William Biggs - Yeah. We work with an Iraq Officer that had his stuff together. He was a lawyer for a while but came back to iraq to help. He was killed last year. The good ones risk their lives while the bad ones run and hide. It is a game of attrition and you can figure out who is left.
I served with the Chinese Nungs and the Montagnards, both were super fighters who would fight to the end. Both were extremely loyal and protective of their team leaders. they brought you into their homes and shared everything they had. Awesome times and good people.
Sgt William Biggs
These are the type of people I want to hear about. Afghans did this to an extent, but it was always unsettling as I knew one misstep could get people hurt,
CPT (Join to see)
The Nungs and Montagnards did not have a lot of respect for the Vietnamese, but the had a mutual admiration for the US Army and SF in particular.
Germans drank the most in the field and let us blow stuff up using their stuff....Good stuff!
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