Posted on May 30, 2023
MAJ Field Artillery Officer
I'm not sure what happened to the "unofficial" FEDREC status board that had been periodically updated with scroll status' but it seems to have been retired, missing, or removed. In any case, please feel free to use this new thread to ask questions and post updates to our little '"Promotion Purgatory Support Group". I do not work for NGB so I will not be able to get you answers, but at least we can re-establish the forum.

Best of luck to y'all!

Recommendation from previous comments-

STOP! Please read: If you are here, you want info on how long scrolls are taking or to see the status of your scroll. Help the next person by posting your experience. Once your orders are published, come back and make a new response to the original post with your scroll number, date your FEDREC was sent to NGB and the date your orders published.

If we get more people to post, the data gets more reliable and useful. You can then see if your scroll is an outlier and you can raise a flag with your command.

I'm sure people come by and read these posts without adding to the discord. Join the community and help the next person!

If you agree, VOTE THIS UP so it's one of the first responses people see when they stumble in.
Posted in these groups: FEDRECStar Promotions4f97c0e5 NGBG1Officers logo Officers
Edited 1 y ago
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Responses: 134
MAJ Deputy Staff Judge Advocate
Scroll P56-23. Promoted by State on 13 Sep 23, and State Federal Recognition Board convened on 15 Sep 23. J1 forwarded my packet to NGB on 18 Sep 23. 25 Sep 23 ARNG G1 Portal showed “Awaiting assignment to scroll. 6 Oct 23, status changed to “Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID 56-23; 1 Days in DoD Approval cycle.” Total days since J1 forwarded packet to NGB is 24 days. Will continue to update.
MAJ Deputy Staff Judge Advocate
MAJ (Join to see)
11 mo
(3 NOV 23) Update #1 - My scroll List ID now shows P02-24, not the former P56-23. The day count still remains the same at 28 days in DoD Approval cycle. Not sure if changing scrolls resets the process or not, but we’ll see.
MAJ Deputy Staff Judge Advocate
MAJ (Join to see)
10 mo
(4 DEC 23) Update #2 - No update on the Description. Days in the DoD Approval cycle are 60, but the Number of Days box highlight went from green to white.
MAJ Deputy Staff Judge Advocate
MAJ (Join to see)
10 mo
(6 Dec 23) Update #3 - No update on the Description. Days in the DoD Approval cycle are 62, but the Number of Days box went from white to yellow.
MAJ Deputy Staff Judge Advocate
MAJ (Join to see)
10 mo
(7 Dec 22) Update #4 - Scroll P02-24. Promotion published. Description reads, “Published; SO# 2023-12-6” and Number of Days shows “0” and is highlighted green. Total days from when I was promoted at State to when FEDREC orders were published, was 85 days. Total days from when the promotion packet showed on the ARNG1 Portal was 74 days. Hope this helps anyone going through this process in the future.
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MAJ Field Artillery Officer
P25-23 folks- My FEDREC just published in IPERMS, check with your state OPM so they can do the IPPS-A PAR. DOR was 28 AUG. 144days from the first tracker on scrolls.

Thanks for being the support group for this. Feel free to keep the thread going.
LTC Field Representative
LTC (Join to see)
1 y
Really? I don't have any indication on my end but good news non-the-less!
MAJ Field Artillery Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
1 y
LTC (Join to see) - My S1 called the state this morning and they pushed it through, just took a little nudge. IPPSA and IPERMS are good to go now. Tracker never updated.
LTC Field Representative
LTC (Join to see)
1 y
OK, cool. I have nothing in my iPerms but I'll make a call tomorrow, it's already 1623 here in NY. Thanks
MAJ Communications Officer (S6)
MAJ (Join to see)
1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Woohoo! I win the not-a-bet. Now to see if they can get the order by this Saturday (2 days) so I can promote this weekend. T10 orders start very soon for Mobilization. Next is the ABCMR since it took over 100 days. Once I get that submitted, I'll update on here. I'll have the ABCMR reviewed by my contact at NGB promotions office and hopefully we can get a standard template.
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MAJ Communications Officer (S6)
This update requires a separate response: Looks like I made some waves. The BLUF is that NGB is opening an Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR) case for me. I assume that would affect anyone on my scroll (P25-23) and create precedence if it's a favorable result. This could backdate the date of rank to the date NGB received my FEDREC packet.

Based on my inquiry through my OPM to NGB to backdate my pending date of rank to the date my FEDREC packet was received by NGB per the new USC 10 Chapter 1405 §14308, NGB will create a new Personnel Policy Operational Memorandum (PPOM) to further define what IS the date NGB recognizes the receipt of a FEDREC packet. Is it the date the packet was sent from the state? Is it the date someone gets around to reviewing the documents to see if they are all there and error free? We will see.

This is important since this is how they will continue to determine backdates for all promotions starting 1 JAN 2024. This is still just an option that the Secretary of the Army has for all promotions that occurred in 2023. Since the new law allows the Secretary to backdate all the way to when NGB received the packet, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't. I hesitate in asking others to request an ABCMR for their promotions in 2023. Technically anyone can ask, but I'm not sure the flood gates should be opened until they have more defined policy. It's a long process to change date of rank. I'm told 6 months is typical, so if you start the process, have realistic expectations.

I hope this is good and doesn't blow up in my face. Sorry in advance if this makes things worse. You're welcome for being the first to try. I'll update when I get anything new.

Link to new Promotion chapter in USC 10 1405 §14308:
MAJ Communications Officer (S6)
MAJ (Join to see)
1 y
I've read this article before, but forgot it existed until today. This is what started me down the rabbit hole. Apparently, laws are thing everyone is supposed to follow. For those of us who waited over 100 days for the FEDREC process this year, you can ask to back date your promotion to the day NGB received your packet from your state. Next year it should be automatically back dated. This is actually a good thing that the process took so long. It might mean more back pay and earlier TIG.
MAJ Strategic Planner
MAJ (Join to see)
12 mo
I'm definitely going to file an ABCMR case. I'm on list 41 and my state DOR is 01 Nov 22, almost a year ago. I know they sent the packet up shortly thereafter, but I didn't start scrolling until like June. If it can get me backdated from Oct/Nov (whenever this publishes) back to Feb/Mar, that will be a big deal. The kicker, like you said, is that the law specifies "the date the National Guard Bureau deems such officer's application for Federal recognition to be completely submitted by the State and ready for review at the National Guard Bureau," but NGB has not yet defined what that means.

I bet the more of us that file ABCMRs, the more pressure it will put on them. Maybe I'll even write my congressman, try to get a little pressure that way. Both of my non-automatic promotions (CPT and MAJ) have been absolutely ridiculous and have cost my family tens of thousands of dollars (and counting). I was "promoted" into an O3 slot for a year-long deployment, but didn't see DOR until 5 months after returning home. Missed out on all that tax-free combat pay. This is just stupid.

1LT(P) Human Resources Officer
1LT(P) (Join to see)
10 mo
MAJ (Join to see) what about it state sent their packet to NGB, NGB lost it in their e-tracker and then had to reset the FEDREC cycle
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MAJ Communications Officer (S6)
For reference, posterity, and maybe just for fun, here is the link to the longest running and most helpful version of this type of post. Not sure why it died and why it was so hard to find, but I had commented on it years ago, so I was able to pull it up from my account history. Let's keep this new thread going. "Where is my FEDREC Scroll..." is easier to google anyway.

Good luck everyone!
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MAJ Physician Assistant
Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID P24-24; 31 Days in DoD Approval cycle (as of 09MAY24)
MAJ Physician Assistant
MAJ (Join to see)
4 mo
Will post another update after Memorial Day not expecting much movement this week and next due to the holiday.
MAJ Physician Assistant
MAJ (Join to see)
4 mo
Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID P24-24; 56 Days in DoD Approval cycle (a/o 04JUN24)
MAJ Physician Assistant
MAJ (Join to see)
4 mo
Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID P24-24; 63 Days in DoD Approval cycle (a/o 10JUN24). It officially turned yellow.
MAJ Physician Assistant
MAJ (Join to see)
4 mo
Final Update: Published: SO# 236; 2024-06-10
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CPT Judge Advocate
P22-24 Awaiting HQDA Approval. As of 02MAY2024, 48 days in DoD Approval cycle. My promotion packet was originally submitted to state board in Feb 2024. Cleared state board during drill 2-3 March 2024. Afterwards, I periodically checked my packet status in the self service portal. It stated waiting to scroll "0 days" for the longest time, then one day it just randomly popped and showed 32 days in the approval cycle.
LTC Judge Advocate
LTC (Join to see)
5 mo
CPT (Join to see) - I noticed that as well. Days did not move over the weekend from Monday but changed today. Hopefully, a good sign.
CPT Judge Advocate
CPT (Join to see)
4 mo
Update: P22-24. 16MAY2024. Awaiting HQDA Approval; 62 Days in DoD Approval cycle. Color changed from white to yellow.
CPT Judge Advocate
CPT (Join to see)
4 mo
Update: P22-24. 20MAY2024. Awaiting HQDA Approval; 66 Days in DoD Approval cycle.
CPT Judge Advocate
CPT (Join to see)
4 mo
Final Update: P22-24. 21MAY2024. Awoke this morning to an automatic email from iperms saying a new documents has been uploaded--official promotion order. DOR 13 MAY2024. If you are reading this, I hope the rest of your fedrec waiting days will be short!
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Anyone have any info on D08-23? "Awaiting HQDA Approval Showing 41 days in the DOD approval cycle, List ID D08-23" as of 12-1-2023. Hoping it will publish before the new year.
CW2 Geospatial Engineering Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
9 mo
Waiting on this list as well! As of 12/20 showing 64 days in approval cycle. Hopefully some good news soon! D07-23 published in 55 days so hopefully it wont be too much longer.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 mo
Awaiting Secretary of Defense Approval; List ID D08-23; 79 Days in DoD Approval cycle as of 4 Jan 2024
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 mo
Published: SO# 12; 2024-01-09. 84 Days on the counter
CW2 UH-60 Pilot
Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID U01-24; 53 Days in DoD Approval cycle
CW2 UH-60 Pilot
CW2 (Join to see)
10 mo
Awaiting HQDA Approval; List ID U01-24; 62 Days in DoD Approval cycle

Turned Yellow today
CW2 UH-60 Pilot
CW2 (Join to see)
10 mo
FedRec-Promotion to CW3, CW4 or CW5
Description Published: SO# 411; 2023-12-06
Number of Days 0

Total days on scroll, 62
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CPT Strategic Intelligence Officer
SO# 341 2023-10-11!

Congratulations to everyone, the wait is finally over!
CPT Strategic Intelligence Officer
CPT (Join to see)
11 mo
That's weird. I was on L06-23 and it showed published SO#341......however it has not hit my iPerms yet and its been a little over 2 weeks.
2LT(P) Air Defense Artillery Officer
2LT(P) (Join to see)
11 mo
L06-23 is now showing awaiting SecDef approval on day 84
CPT Strategic Intelligence Officer
CPT (Join to see)
11 mo
It might be because my DOR was 23 April 2021 (yes 2021). I had to go through an SRB because of my DOR so that might be why mine already published. I was originally on L04-23 once my state actually got my packet submitted.
2LT(P) Air Defense Artillery Officer
2LT(P) (Join to see)
10 mo
Yeah I feel you on the 2021, DOR was 06 AUG 2021. The rest of the scroll published 07 NOV 2023. Still waiting for them to initiate a PAR. At least I'm looking at around 10-11 months of back pay. Been on a mix of T32 and T10 orders since FEB.
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CW5 Jonathan Sigl
P46-23 Shows Published: SO# 344; 2023-10-11. Does anyone know how long it usually takes to get orders?
CPT Human Resources Officer
CPT (Join to see)
12 mo
Depends on your state. Usually takes my state a week from the day it says published.
MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
MAJ (Join to see)
11 mo
Where does it show published? I am p44-23 and mine still says awaiting sec def
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