Posted on Jul 28, 2015
When will the Navy change its camo pattern?
Responses: 24
When some admiral decides they need another star and justification for it.
They just need to stop changing the uniforms. We go through more uniforms than every other branch put together.

Suspended Profile
We've been through far too many, but I'm not sure we have the Army beat on that count...
TSgt (Join to see)
I gotta agree with PO1 (Join to see), the ammount of Dress Uniforms alone that the Navy has confuses the heck out of those of us in the other branches, not to mention the rules for wearing them. The Army may have gone through more uniform changes, but you guys have the most uniforms in general, haha.
As I understand it, the Navy chose the color blue so that stains gained from running and maintaining a ship wouldn't be visible. I still don't understand why they simply didn't adopt MARPAT.
LCDR (Join to see)
LTC Paul Labrador Sir you're correct on why the color scheme was chosen. Different colors are used when actually in combat/theater operations.
CDR Laurel Meadows
In my basement I have a footlocker for my desert, woodland and Army cammies. I'm just glad I retired before I added a fourth footlocker for these. I'm not sure what you are hiding in or from wearing these.
LT Daniel Kuttner
Ex-Navy officer here. Yes, that's what puzzles me. Why have a uniform that makes it harder to spot a man overboard? Plus, unlike the old bell-bottoms, you can't make water-wings out of the trou.
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