When will the national Military Police Concealed Weapons Permit (HR 218) go into effect?

Concealed carry for all current service members (CAC holders)? | RallyPoint
Should uniformed military be allowed to conceal carry any were in the U.S. with a CAC as a license due to increased threats to military personnel?

Armed EPA raid in Alaska sheds light on 70 fed agencies with armed divisions
The recent uproar over armed EPA agents descending on tiny Alaska mining town is shedding light again on the fact 40 federal agencies – including nearly a dozen typically not associated with law enforcement -- have armed division.
I'd really like your thoughts on the 10 points we came up with over there, make sure to make them under that thread or "@" me on it so I can see it.

Concealed carry for all current service members (CAC holders)? | RallyPoint
Should uniformed military be allowed to conceal carry any were in the U.S. with a CAC as a license due to increased threats to military personnel?

Arm the Armed Forces! | RallyPoint
The outcome of the discussion "Concealed carry for CAC holders?" by [~222148:SGT Bernard Boyer III]. Below follows my skeleton letter to congress, based on the edits RP members have suggested to the 10 points. Anyone and everyone is welcome to edit and personalize the letter for their own use in writing to their congressional representatives. We sent a mass email on 3 January, the swearing in of the new congress, now it's a free for all. You...
Is the exemption provided by the law total—can I now carry anywhere at any
No. The new law exempts all qualified active and retired law enforcement officers from State and local laws with respect to the carrying of concealed firearms. These officers are not exempt from Federal law or regulation, which governs the carriage of firearms onto aircraft or other “common carriers,” Federal buildings, Federal property, or national parks.
The Airforce has alowed base commanders to allow MPs to carry on/off duty with these creds and several bases alow it.