Posted on Dec 6, 2020
When hauling an M983A4 on a flat trailer would you deflate the air suspension before its chained down?
Responses: 10
What does the TM or order say? Stick to it, unless ordered otherwise. Loading falls on loader and/or operator(s), to include dogging by MT operator and a-driver. Embark should be involved in any movement that warrants it as well. Ask the head MT bubba, like Roadmaster or Army version.
The OSHA std is that there can't be any movement possible. The bags will re-inflate once the equipment is re-started.
As an Air Force guy my first question is, what does the technical documentation say? If I recall correctly there’s an Army organization that’s part of AMC that does testing on All Service’s equipment including how to prepare and tie down it for transportation. Recommend doing what the TO says unless local experience shows the direction to be dangerous.
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