Posted on Oct 26, 2022
1LT Chaplain Candidate
I ask specifically in a civilian context. I am heading towards Chaplaincy. For the sake of discussion, let's say someone has around 3 years in the civilian job market.

I have around 15 years in, most recently I was the S3. Having been rounded out for staff work, I think continuing to sharpen my skills of delegation and project management is best. This was also the advice I received from other mentors. My seminary work and pastoral jobs are going to serve the more obvious functions of chaplaincy. In the meantime, a job that requires leadership over taskings and strong customer service/social engagement would challenge and develop me in ways that I think may serve a battalion well. Interested to hear other thoughts.
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Responses: 2
CAPT Kevin B.
Edited >1 y ago
Having been in 32 years, I've been around Holy Rollers of all faiths and ranks including the Navy's Chief Chaplain. Set him up to be nailed by a Snow-Blast in Antarctica. The ones that stood out have similarities.

Service First: Always there for others.
Respect for the Mission and CoC: Ignore at your peril.
When in the badlands by yourself, you're IT: You serve all faiths even more.
Eat at different tables every day.
Confidentiality foremost.
You're not alone: Let the flock take care of you too.
Never fudge lines: Especially safety, SHARP, IG, etc. Don't mess with other swimlanes.
Never be a Crusader Rabbit.
Things get more political as you move up: Learn to navigate.

There's more obviously. Funny story that will give some insight for senior promotions. I sat a number of boards, especially O-5/6 in Millington. Being staff corps, we all had our review rooms and "tanks" (brief/decision rooms). The two most brutal insofar as emotions on sleeves were the Nurses and Chaplains. What struck me over the years was some staff corps tended not to receive the people skill and leadership grooming as others. That and paying attention to the Precepts. Anyways, a lightning hit brought all the power down and we sat for a few as things came up. Then another zap. Sat longer. Then the big one. We decided to bail and get coffee. The Chaps had the same idea and left their tank across the passageway as we did. I looked at them and said "God is speaking!" in my best evangelical Bible thumping, finger waving imitation. Laughter all around. Apparently, things went smoother after that.
1LT Chaplain Candidate
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
What the heck is a crusader rabbit?
LCDR Adam Barron
LCDR Adam Barron
>1 y
A little before our time . . .
1LT Chaplain Candidate
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
LCDR Adam Barron Weird cartoon, lol. Thanks for digging that up.
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LCDR Adam Barron
That's a great, proactive question to ask.
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