Posted on Jun 13, 2014
1SG Jeffrey Bergeron
I had a Soldier that didn't want to go to the demolition range however his profile didn't state he could not go. so we told the Soldier "you are going to the range!" The very next day he had a profile stating he couldn't go to the ranges or EQT which is Engineer Qualification Tables.
Posted in these groups: Pushup improvement Profiles
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
So there we were, it was Fort Hood in the great state of Texas....on the eve of going to the field (meaning 1700 the afternoon before rolling to the field)........a less-than-stellar Soldier approaches me with caution and presents a piece of paper folded about 8 times.....written on the sick call slip, the physician wrote......"no walking on uneven terrain"......I chuckled and told the Soldier "that's original, make sure you pack everything according to the packing list" while the PL watched in awe.......I had a great neighbor that worked at the hospital......he let me sign for a wheelchair, the Soldier did not "walk" on uneven terrain.
1SG Jeffrey Bergeron
1SG Jeffrey Bergeron
>1 y
SFC(P) Ammunition Specialist
SFC(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank god for creative leaders!
CMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt (Join to see)
10 y
1LT John Martin
Or did the soldier wheel himself?? WORSE! :\
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
I would make him wheel himself around; when he tries to walk instead, well you have to enforce a profile don't you?
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SSgt Gregory Guina
Had a Marine come back from medical with a chit that said "Limited Use Of Self". Still not sure WTH that means.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Ahahahahahaha SGT Pereyra, you made it make sense!! Too funny!
SSG Psyop Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
What the hell?
CPT Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Plus he'll go blind...
CPT Public Affairs Officer
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I actually laughed out loud at this one! Very creative.
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SFC(P) Ammunition Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
We had a guy in our company that had a profile for wearing a booney cap (in garrison, Ft. Bragg) with every uniform during the hours of sunlight because of a sunburn. This cat got such a hard time from Senior NCOs that he took leave until he was off the profile. To make things worse he got caught not wearing the booney cap while out shopping which resulted in even more unwanted attention. For the rest of the summer he had to report to the BN CSM to put on sunblock three times a day.
SSG Tim Everett
SSG Tim Everett
10 y
Isn't that some type of UCMJ offense? I've never actually had it happen or seen it happen, but when I was in (94-04) it was always "barracks lawyer" advice not to get a sunburn or you could be UCMJ'd for damaging government property if you couldn't wear the uniform appropriately. As a fair-skinned, freckled, ginger Scotsman, I was terrified to be anywhere without sunscreen. I got a sunburn once, a minor thing really (if you're anyone but me) and I got blisters and there was some swelling. I thought I was going to get a court martial if they caught me.
LTC Hardware Test Engineer
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
I developed an allergy to wool when I was a 45 y/o CPT. Got a permanent "no beret" profile.
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