Posted on Oct 28, 2021
SPC Human Intelligence Collector
I have no negative marks on my record and have been in the army for over two years.
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Responses: 233
SCPO Yeoman
Edited >1 y ago
So all of the shots/vaccinations that the military has given you already and you didn't even know what some of them were or the background information or history of each one.... But this one (Covid vaccine) is different and a major problem??? A big enough problem for you to lose all or some of your VA benefits and/or sacrifice a career if you were planning on staying in? I don't get it.
CPL Tom Walker
CPL Tom Walker
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. - Covid is a pandemic, meaning it isn't confined to the United States. Neither would incidence be of people finding vaccinations unavailable or avoiding them. My number is worldwide, not just the United States.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
CPL Tom Walker - So then, check your numbers against Heart Disease and Cancer worldwide. Covid does not even make the top 10 list of overall deaths from the CDC. This was not a pandemic. It was a panic - demic by the left. Plain and simple. And when the actual scientist that INVENTED and created the mRNA sequencing used, came out PUBLIC (you can look up his press conference with a search) and said this was NEVER intended to be used in this fashion on humans.. Well, you do what you want. Me? I refused and I continue to refuse. As do a whole lot of other military and veterans.
CPL Tom Walker
CPL Tom Walker
>1 y
Good heavens - do they drug test in your unit?
Amn Joseph H.
Amn Joseph H.
2 y
Pretty sure they do not anymore Tom, these folks frighten by the right really should not be allowed to serve here if thire individual preferences endangers the team, period. But these questions are not worthy of veterans time and efforts that toed that line. Might not have liked being screamed at, or pushed passed a civilian limit. But at 17 the physical part was easy, 5th generation Irishamerican veteran made me know I would be with those that showed up for the responsibility, to mature. And right off the sargents taught us what real equality was, treating everybody like shit, for a while:) And that a team was only as strong as its weakest link. Individualism or group necessity. That the worst people I served with are still more important to me than all the civilians I,ve known because we depended on each other, civilians haven't a clue. If you serve leave the religions and cult shit at home, believe me, it will still be there when you return:)
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Edited >1 y ago
While I understand your concern with this shot, and now that I’m retired I no longer have a dog in this hunt, but when you raise your right hand to enlist you give up many of the rights you had as a civilian and vaccinations is one of them. My professional opinion to you is to suck it up and complete your enlistment and ETS honorably, otherwise get out and show potential employers you quit when you don't like something!
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SPC Mark Marquette - Anyone that claims to have "great common sense" is clearly someone that has no clue. I am not going to sit here and argue with an unarmed man. Go troll someone else now.
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. - You're a real piece... Trump-lover? Conspiracy theorist? You sure talk like one. So feeble: pick on the one thing I say that has no immediately showable data (my resume would) to even TRY to actually debate the stuff you put down. So, so typical GOP, attack that, ignore the FACTUAL things I put out, you don't dare try to hold any rational discussion. I showed I HAVE far better understanding of these than you, because I AM/WAS a professional! You're all MOUTH! Unless you "show your work". Where's your "expert"? Afraid of the challenge, so you won't say?
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SPC Mark Marquette - Nah, just tired of your liberal leftist bullshit. I am independent btw but nice try with your attempted insult. You types always resort to that argument.. You really should get that looked at however.. having Trump living in your head rent free all these years later is not a good sign...
SPC Mark Marquette
SPC Mark Marquette
>1 y
MSG Harvey Kane - PERFECT rebuttal! See, guys? If you have proof: SHOW IT! End of arguement.
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SSG Intelligence Analyst
Edited >1 y ago
As it stands now, they will all be categorized as general under honorable.


Soldiers who refuse could face "administrative or non-judicial punishment [under the Uniform Code of Military Justice] -- to include relief of duties or discharge," according to the new Army guidelines obtained by

Administrative action includes initiating what is called a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand, or GOMOR, for all refusals without an allowed exemption. The reprimand is widely seen as a military career killer but can, under certain circumstances, be tossed from a soldier's record.

All judicial action will be launched by colonels in a soldier's chain of command, or a general in units without a colonel.

Soldiers who have pending decisions on medical or religious exemptions will not face any adverse action.
CPT Joe Jefferson
CPT Joe Jefferson
>1 y
Maj Joan Marine - that is incorrect and inaccurate information. Did YOU refuse the vaccine as an officer?
Maj Joan Marine
Maj Joan Marine
>1 y
I retired before COVID came around but yes I would have refused an Emergency Use Authorized vaccine if it wasn't proven to PREVENT an illness. It is an unlawful order when it goes against the GC rules. Would you drink poison if told to do it...not knowing what kind of harm would result?
SPC Concrete and Asphalt Equipment Operator
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
Nice to see some real answers
SPC Concrete and Asphalt Equipment Operator
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - Haven't you heard they change the definition
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