Posted on Oct 9, 2015
What sport(s) do/did you play in the military?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
CW4 Craig Urban
Pool. Ping pong. GI showers for guys who would not take one. Tried cricket once and soccer. Fast pitch softball in Germany. Only pitcher my arm was a rag
Played basketball for 1/3rd ACR in Baumholder, for HHC, 3D Bde, & Ft Jackson, IOAC 3-74, Ft Monroe, TARCOM, Co E @ DLI, the Marines @ the Naval post Graduate School & ATSC @ Ft Eustis. And, I played for Columbus College during my Bootstrap year following IOAC @ Ft Benning. Hoosier born @ bred.
CW4 Craig Urban
Played basketball for 519th maintenance co in Wiesbaden with all army basketball ball player SSG Louis B Stamps. 1968. Bowled on the Fort Carson team 1972-1974 with SP/4 Henry Gonzalez and SSG Lenny Horton (just came from the honor guard). Henry went pro and won two PBA titles and overall 11 million in prize money.
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