Posted on May 22, 2014
CPT Jacob Swartout
Ours will be conducted next week. Tomorrow marks my first full week in command and I want to address and resolve what issues may have existed before I arrived in the unit. The work environment needs to be a place where all can co-exist without animosity, division, and ill feelings among each other. I cannot and will not tolerate behavior that is detrimental to the unit's success.
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Responses: 4
1SG First Sergeant
The one advice I will give you here in TRADOC is dont make your whole decision based on the survey. Even though its one Troop you have under you there are two parties that have there own agendas for training Soldiers. The DS and the CI and they will bring up issues that benifit them not the SITS as a whole. Observe the DS and CI and add your own judgement.
MSG Wade Huffman
MSG Wade Huffman
11 y
1SG, Very good points in reference to TRADOC units, specifically IET.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
11 y
Great point 1SG R. I will for sure look into the two more closely.
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SFC William Swartz Jr
Depends on what the morale level of the unit is currently..if the previous commander was not well liked, expect that there will be a lot of negativity on the survey. Try to weed out the extreme BS and focus on those areas that you definitely see as needing to be fixed.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
11 y
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1SG Company First Sergeant
Edited 11 y ago
Generally they are good for a laugh between you and your 1SG Sir. I don't mean by laughing about potentially bad things in the unit, but you will always have at least one jokester that just writes down some crazy stuff on there. I heard of one guy that basically wrote a story about a grizzly bear in his answers. Each new answer picked up where the old one left off, and had nothing to do with the question at all. Other than that Sir, if you are on rallypoint a good bit then you have already saw all the "legitimate" complaints that you will see on those surveys.

Just having a new CO can sometimes resolve prior issues Sir, don't try to make changes too quickly. Keep next weeks survey, and then compare it to your 90 day survey, then you can make a good judgment of what needs to be changed.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
11 y
All changes will be discussed with my 1SG since he knows the unit and has been here for 2 yrs. If I see the grizzly bear answers, I just may have my buddy in Alaska send one here as our mascot. Good points too, thanks SFC G.
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