Posted on Jan 31, 2017
SSG Advisor
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Responses: 44
MAJ Raymond Haynes
After being both enlisted and commissioned in the Marine Corps, I transferred to the Army National Guard as a CWO-2. I never really told anybody about my Marine background, but the word seemed to spread throughout the unit. When asked why I transferred from the Marines my standard answer was "To be the best Army Warrant Officer, I can be" I eventually was turned back into a Captain, then promoted to Major, and the same mindset held true. When you make the decision to switch from one service to another, never loose your pride for your former service, but realize that your new service deserves the same respect, pride, and 100% effort, that you put into your original branch. The job you do and the people you lead deserve nothing less, and your professionalism as military member will naturally show through.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Keep doing what you did to become a Sergeant of Marines and you'll be fine. Professionalism is universal. You will have a learning curve with differences between the two branches, but leadership is the same in any unit. In other words bloom wherever you're planted. Good luck and Semper Fi. Will
SGT John Wells
SGT John Wells
>1 y
I also went from the Marines to the army. I was surprised to meet many Marines turned soldiers. For most that I've met, including myself, we all still held a lot of pride and respect for the Marine Corps. But also came to love the army as well.
MSgt Operations Ncoic
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
I applaud all the comments. Professionalism, pride, and your "Follow Me" spirit are what your troops deserve. I switched from Army (Infantry and Cav Scout) to Air Force Security Forces. I met many former Soldiers and Marines who also switched; our reasons were sometimes different (RIF, break in service, etc), but everyone who embraced their new service and the cultures that came with it succeeded, those who couldn't let their old service go did not succeed. The best way to honor your previous service is to excel in your new service.
1SG Patrick Sims
1SG Patrick Sims
>1 y
I also went from the Marines to the Army. I'll always be proud I was in the Marines, but everyone I know who made the same transfer never regretted it.
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LTC Retired
You'll have to start using silverware in the chow hall.
Grunting, farting and yelling ooorah will no longer pass for intelligent conversation.
Your equipment will no longer be older than you are.
PT will still suck, just in a different way.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax - so you know the deal on Gen Gray, when he had 2d MarDiv he would get in his POV and visit units without aide or staff car and flag, he loved 2d Tank BN for some reason, some nicknamed him Uncle Al the tanker's pal, maybe because he was built like one, he walked up on one kid on the ramp and while the kid was on his back nudged his leg, asked him how he's doing, the kid didn't know who it was so tells him something like F off I'm working here, then he crawls out to see the 2 stars, more than once somebody would run to any given BN's CP telling them a General is walking around on the lot, while at WOBC a classmate, Jerry Kressler had been an armorer (SSgt) at 8th & I before making WO, he said then CMC Gen Gray would get in his station wagon on weekends and drive down to Quantico to fish at lake near Engr Test Branch, no escorts and in blue jeans and floppy fishing hat, it drove the security details nuts but who was going to tell him he couldn't? his house at Marine Barracks is right on the Parade Deck for the Evening Parades, more than once he would be walking around in blue jeans with a Budweiser before folks started arriving for the E. Parade, it was his house and yard so why not? more seriously though he brought back emphasis on every Marine being a rifleman, requiring Company Grade zero's to take the Warfighting PME, rear area units got serious about Rear Area Security with gun teams and the rest, he realized the Corps needed to get back to basics for future war(s) and it turned out to be timely decision
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax
>1 y
Now that you mention it, I remember how he loved the 2nd Tanks!
If I remember correctly, when I saw him in the field, it was at a "Solid Shield" FX. It's the same year we were pulled from the field to the tarmac for Panama's "Just Cause". I do remember going by an LZ where the Cooks were expecting him to eat while in the field, after talking to a couple Marines there, they said he never set foot inside of it! Anyways, I'm sure there are a lot of stories on him, but yes, he brought the USMC back to our roots! Semper Fi!
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax - don't know for fact but the rumor was that soon after becoming CMC he went door to door with a baseball bat at HQMC, asking full bird's what their job was, they'd reply they were deputy to the second guy from the left or similar and he'd tell them BS, get down to Manpower and tell them you need orders to the FMF because your job is leading Marines, he shook up the "run for lunch bunch" also, many would secure for chow mid-morning and return mid afternoon so they could run a daily half-marathon, that came to a screeching halt when he got the word out they could do that on their time because his focus was on load bearing and endurance vice being able to run real fast in PT gear
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax
GySgt Gunnar Ulfsax
>1 y
CWO3- That's too funny! I bet them "full birds" were really crying! Lol
* When we were in Desert Storm, before we went up to the border, we were at a fob by the port, and I remember driving by a full bird, and a major, both sweating like crazy and still filling sand bags. I asked around, and was told that the CG on the fob LOVED to make field grade o's fill sand bags to re-claim their side arms that they "forgot" in the mess hall! Not sure who the CG was there, but he had my respect! Lol
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SSgt Carpenter
Edited >1 y ago
Prior service Marines have been some of the best soldiers I have served with. If you can get over the fact that the Army isn't the Marine Corps, you'll do just fine. In my experience Marines get a little extra respect. The only thing I saw once was a guy who just couldnt shut up about how much better the Marine Corps was. It didn't bother me (my mindset was, "yeah and so are Rangers; but we are what we are,") but some guys got tired of it. I think that was what some of the other comments about not trying to bring the Marine Corps in were angling at.
Pvt Mark Carroll
Pvt Mark Carroll
>1 y
PI 1966 plt 220 the DI's did the job that needed to be done. Take a group of kids, city street punks (like me philly )country boys and misfit young boys. Break them down to a functioning unit as one . In a few short weeks . Knowing a lot of them were goin to VN . And some never coming back . I am here to say SEMPER FI to the DI's
MAJ Raymond Haynes
MAJ Raymond Haynes
6 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - I went through 1stBN PI 1975, and we were never physically "beaten" by the DI's. I did however for some reason attract the attention of SSGT Watson who would grab the back of my neck and tell me that he could kill me anytime he wanted. He did this from about training day 3 until we graduated, and I ended up the Honorman. Go figure
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
4 y
Pvt Mark Carroll - The methods are time tested. Strip individuality, tear down the herd until they figure out what survival is about, few rewards but a gradual shift to a team, out of necessity. In quick fashion. Sounds like the same make-up of my Platoon. Old hat to the DIs, they've been doing it for years. SF
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
4 y
MAJ Raymond Haynes - What made you desert our fine Corps? First BN it figures, mainside near the flagpole...j/k. Congrats you made it and Honor Man, got some Blues out of the deal. One of our hats was Force Recon and had gold wings and scars from Nam. He enjoyed showing me ways he could kill me quietly on free time Sundays. Web belt around my neck crisscrossed with our backs touching. He could bend forward and hold me up for awhile. Very hard to breathe. Just for motivation and good training. He was very quiet but not to be f'ed with, and could just appear on your shoulder without knowing he was there. Scared me shitless once and I knocked iron off but caught it. He barely moved and said "good reflexes" before stalking off. I think he missed Nam. All I got was a stripe. SF
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