Posted on May 21, 2019
What should I buy before shipping to BCT and what should I wait on buying until after I arrive?
I'm shipping off to Fort Benning soon and I heard that when you get there you are required to purchase needed items at the PX such as new sneakers. What should I buy before shipping and what should I wait on? For example envelopes, stamps, pocket notebooks, foot powder, & anything else that's available at the PX.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 8
Don't buy anything beforehand, it will be seen as contraband and you will have to get rid of all off it. Wait until you're at reception and then buy what the DS tells you to
Nothing. What you need will be issued to you. Beyond that, creature comforts are just going to hinder your ability to focus on the task at hand. You're there to be a soldier. If you show up with quality running shoes you won't be required to buy new ones. I showed up to basic with nothing. I left with too much extra garbage. Keep it simple, and keep it light.
They have literally everything you need thwre, which you will be buying on a card they give you. This will take place at reception. Ahh 30th AG i was there for 11 days. Dont worry though they will tell you and direct you what you need
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