Posted on Jan 28, 2016
What should happen if a RP member, Randle Conrad, steals valor from a soldier killed in combat?
*******Updated Feb 11, 2016*************
The FOIA letter stating he has never served is now up loaded
Allow me to introduce you to Randle Curtis Conrad, or just Randle Conrad. Mr Conrad claims to be a former military officer. I found his picture here on Rallypoint. I couldn’t help to find it a bit odd. It doesn’t look right. I am by no means am I that guy from Taken but I have some talents that aid me in such situations. So if you look at the pic of 1LT Christopher S. Goeke you will see the similarities. The details in the flag and a few other things such as the facial features. But the cropping and photo shop is evident.
If anyone lives at Westminster, CO, you may know him. That is where he lives according to his tax records and his voter information. [login to see] 026
I was also able to get a number and emails.
[login to see] or [login to see]
Conrad's RallyPoint Profile
Randle Conrad FB Profile
Randle Conrad’s fake Profile Picture [login to see] 10568&set=ecnf [login to see] 80069&type=3&theater
Picture of 1LT Chris Goeke
As you may have figured out I take this very seriously. I don’t have any sympathy for someone that takes valor from a soldier that was killed in combat. That is the lowest of lows. I hope his employer finds out. I wish I was able to find that info but I am still digging.
The latest pic is one of his posts from last month. So he has two CIBs. Well one issue is that he was an MP company commander at the time. Yeah, his story makes no sense.
The FOIA letter stating he has never served is now up loaded
Allow me to introduce you to Randle Curtis Conrad, or just Randle Conrad. Mr Conrad claims to be a former military officer. I found his picture here on Rallypoint. I couldn’t help to find it a bit odd. It doesn’t look right. I am by no means am I that guy from Taken but I have some talents that aid me in such situations. So if you look at the pic of 1LT Christopher S. Goeke you will see the similarities. The details in the flag and a few other things such as the facial features. But the cropping and photo shop is evident.
If anyone lives at Westminster, CO, you may know him. That is where he lives according to his tax records and his voter information. [login to see] 026
I was also able to get a number and emails.
[login to see] or [login to see]
Conrad's RallyPoint Profile
Randle Conrad FB Profile
Randle Conrad’s fake Profile Picture [login to see] 10568&set=ecnf [login to see] 80069&type=3&theater
Picture of 1LT Chris Goeke
As you may have figured out I take this very seriously. I don’t have any sympathy for someone that takes valor from a soldier that was killed in combat. That is the lowest of lows. I hope his employer finds out. I wish I was able to find that info but I am still digging.
The latest pic is one of his posts from last month. So he has two CIBs. Well one issue is that he was an MP company commander at the time. Yeah, his story makes no sense.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 37
Do we have any further updates on this guy? I haven't heard anything from Guardians of Valor. I know someone here confronted him but I'd like a little more information.
If this is true he should be beaten to a bloody pulp. Also, I'm sure foreign Intelligence members are on these sites hoping that people with active Intel will slip up and break opsec. Be careful what you say on the internet.
CPT Russell Pitre
I don't advocate violence but I do think he should have some discomfort for what he has done.
Until someone knows something solid, calling someone a fake or a phony before knowing proof positive and beyond doubt, with facts to back it up, rushing to judgment and jumping to conclusions is premature. I don't know one way or the other and at this point, besides what appears to be a photoshopped pic, no one else FACTUALLY knows his service record either.
PO3 Sandra Gomke
OK, here we go!! First of all, I didn't know about him from RP. He belongs to a non-profit organization that my family and I belong to. He told us, to our faces, starting at least 10 years ago, that he was a Capt., AB Ranger, in the Army. And a combat veteran from DS/DS. We only recently found him on RP. He bragged to myself, my husband and proceeded to tell my son what he should do when he joins the Army. The whole cousin's son story is complete and utter BS!! I am a witness to his lies!! We experienced his lies directly from his mouth!! We took him at his word and it's only been recently that we became aware that he was never in the Army. This man can obviously not think on his feet!! I'm surprised he didn't yell "Freedom of Speech"!! I know there are other members on RP who heard his first hand account of military service but I'll leave it up to them to chime in here or not. I also know at least a dozen civilians who have heard the lies. Verbal, face to face. No hacking involved!! This is absolutely an intentional effort on his part to deceive the RP community.
Carola Crooker
I can attest to what PO3 Sandra Gomke stated. I also was told face to face these stories. On more then one occasion.
PO3 Sandra Gomke
Did you confront him in e-mail or electronically? We're trying to get him out of our non-profit group and could use the information you gathered.
A new level of weirdness. Can't send messages to his fb unless you're a friend. Do not want to become that. Once confirmed on RP can you just fill in whatever you want as far as rank and position? Someone should try to find his actual records or history.
SPC Tanya Cummings Boozer
CPT Russell Pitre - I just sent a message to SSG Anthony Anderson who does Guardian of too, I forgot he was on Rallypoint.
RP profile looks suspect to me. Several red flags, but definitely more research needed.
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