Posted on Aug 15, 2015
What should happen here? Is there a double standard for White House Officials and Military Members?
Responses: 25
It's the cost that bothers me. Continual changes ultimately cost he tax payers
Capt Jeff S.
According to Gerald Ford, Reagan was overrated. I think that's a fair statement. But that said, America could use another President like Ronald Reagan. If Trump can learn to humble himself (just a little), I think he would do okay. He certainly has more of a track record of accomplishment than the Community Organizer that was installed in the White House.
Double standards is an inaccurate label. It's hard to accuse the White House of having double standards when the UCMJ is full of them.
Cpl (Join to see)
The difference here is that we signed contracts stating we would adhere to the UCMJ, hillary didn't sign anything. And yes there is a double standard considering we lost some constitutional rights, e. g., double jeopardy. Personally, I doubt everyone read the UCMJ or their contract before they sign the dotted line.
Capt Jeff S.
I beg to differ Cpl (Join to see). Hillary SHOULD have signed something if she was sworn into the job as Secretary of State. If she didn't, then someone in the Administration needs to be held accountable for that. The buck stops at her boss's desk.
Cpl (Join to see)
Capt Jeff S. considering BO is ineligible, but has a clearance by station alone, I'm wondering if there really is a procedure in place. I personally don't have inside knowledge about appointees, it's just speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a read-in without contract.
Capt Jeff S.
In order to hold a clearance, which is required for anyone accessing TS and above, one would expect a background check be done... One would expect! But then again, given the decision making ability of our elected officials, I'd be willing to bet a LOT of them couldn't pass a background check.
Those that can't pass a background check SHOULD be forbidden from participating in committees or serving in cabinet level positions that require access to classified material at TS and above; they should be limited to SECRET and below... or if they are as swift as Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson* CONFIDENTIAL and below! Of course, it goes without saying that the Obamas and the Clintons would fail miserably and not even be granted a clearance due to their mountain of ethics violations and that trail of dead bodies that follows them everywhere... <:O/
Clearly our system is broke. So what's the solution? Should we continue to give unrestricted access to corrupt politicians who shred our Constitution and commit treason? How's it been working so far? ???
I'm told by my Progressive friends, "Obama won the election legitimately; get over it!" when in truth, Progressives (on both sides of the aisle) are hell bent on:
1) subjugating America's sovereignty to others;
2) giving away our Nations treasures and making concessions to those that want to destroy us;
3) castrating America's military power with manpower cuts, an ROE that gets our troops killed, and lower standards and new laws mandating the military become a social experiment;
4) passing restrictive laws on American businesses that stifle innovation, kill competition, and make it unprofitable to operate; and
5) transforming America from the manufacturing giant it once was into a bankrupt EuroStyle socialist welfare state where everyone [except the political ruling class] is equally miserable and poor.
I posit that we use this election in 2016 (assuming it is conducted freely and fairly) to fire those in Congress who have been aiding and abetting the treason committed by this Administration. And then we need to review procedures, tighten up our Security, and set to work repairing the damage done by this Administration.
* Hank Johnson, the Congressman from Georgia who really thought Guam was an island that floated and was concerned that too many military on the island might cause it to capsize. Later he tried to backpedal and claim he was just being humorous... @@ Do you believe it?
Those that can't pass a background check SHOULD be forbidden from participating in committees or serving in cabinet level positions that require access to classified material at TS and above; they should be limited to SECRET and below... or if they are as swift as Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson* CONFIDENTIAL and below! Of course, it goes without saying that the Obamas and the Clintons would fail miserably and not even be granted a clearance due to their mountain of ethics violations and that trail of dead bodies that follows them everywhere... <:O/
Clearly our system is broke. So what's the solution? Should we continue to give unrestricted access to corrupt politicians who shred our Constitution and commit treason? How's it been working so far? ???
I'm told by my Progressive friends, "Obama won the election legitimately; get over it!" when in truth, Progressives (on both sides of the aisle) are hell bent on:
1) subjugating America's sovereignty to others;
2) giving away our Nations treasures and making concessions to those that want to destroy us;
3) castrating America's military power with manpower cuts, an ROE that gets our troops killed, and lower standards and new laws mandating the military become a social experiment;
4) passing restrictive laws on American businesses that stifle innovation, kill competition, and make it unprofitable to operate; and
5) transforming America from the manufacturing giant it once was into a bankrupt EuroStyle socialist welfare state where everyone [except the political ruling class] is equally miserable and poor.
I posit that we use this election in 2016 (assuming it is conducted freely and fairly) to fire those in Congress who have been aiding and abetting the treason committed by this Administration. And then we need to review procedures, tighten up our Security, and set to work repairing the damage done by this Administration.
* Hank Johnson, the Congressman from Georgia who really thought Guam was an island that floated and was concerned that too many military on the island might cause it to capsize. Later he tried to backpedal and claim he was just being humorous... @@ Do you believe it?
A similar post by Rally Point. Maybe more answers.

"Hero Marine Nailed for Secret Email: What Did He Do That Hillary Didn’t?" | RallyPoint
From: The Daily Beast No matter how much classified material is found in her personal email server, Hillary Clinton will no doubt continue campaigning to become our next president. Meanwhile, a decorated Marine officer who has deployed four times faces being discharged from the corps he loves because he used his personal email to send a single classified report as an urgent warning when lives were at stake. The stateside message from Marine...
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