It could be a quote from a military member or civilian leader about the military, an observation of a citizen, historic figure, or a quote of an adversary about our forces or even more ancient military quotation or observation. Over the years I've seen some great quotes about military personnel, military life, etc... what are some of your favorites? Please share quote and author (or who the quote is attributed to, if known). This should be a great time, so put on your thinking caps, and share your best military quotes/observations and related subjects. Let's have some fun and learn at the same time... see you all in the threads!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 1454
This may be considered treason by my Army comrades but the best quote I can think of is from GEN (Ret.) Mattis USMC: “I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes. If you f*@% with me, I'll kill you all.”
Sgt Steven M.
SSgt Greg Willard - Chesty's 1stMarDiv also picked up all of 7th Cavalry's equipment, dead and wounded on the way out.
PFC Matt Ochmanski
Not treason, he was Secretary of Defense. He was the top of the Military under the POTUS! Love that statement.
SSG Bob Teachout
I have two:
When I say that -I often think of the TV show "Combat". LT tells Saunders "Take that Hill" Saunders replies "I'll try Sir" - Lt yells back - "I didn't say try - I said do it!"
2) "Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory."
George S. Patton
When I say that -I often think of the TV show "Combat". LT tells Saunders "Take that Hill" Saunders replies "I'll try Sir" - Lt yells back - "I didn't say try - I said do it!"
2) "Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory."
George S. Patton
"Nuts" BG Anthony McAuliffe, Acting Commander, 101st ABN DIV to German General Heinrich von Luttwitz, Commander of the 47th Panzer Corps at the siege of Bastogne, when the latter demanded his surrender. So concise. So eloquent. So American. Airborne!
SSG Raymond Minze
The story goes; when he received the surrender message, he had just laid down for a quick rest after having been on his feet for days. So when an officer came over to wake BG McAuliffe, the first word out of his mouth was "Nuts". After reading the message calling on him to surrender, it was reported, that he said, what kind of answer should I give the German Commander; a member of his staff said that he thought that the general should say what he said when he was awakened; hence, "NUTS"!
SSG David Fetty
SSG (Join to see) - Along the same vein... "you three men, half of you come with me". I'd do that just to see the response when I'd get new men in.
SSG Bob Teachout
“Nuts!” – The Story Behind the Famous American Reply to the German Surrender Ultimatum at...
“McAuliffe realized that some kind of answer had to be offered and he sat down to think it over. After several minutes he admitted to his officers that he did not know what to say...
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. - GEN George S. Patton
MSG Frederick Otero
If your calm while everyone around you is going crazy then you don't know what the F**k! is going on. Was on a poster i once read.
CPT Dale Stringer
Best quote that I remember said by GEN George S Patton: "Don't you die for your country make the other 'son of bitch' die for his country!"
William Drummond
That quote is the touchstone for empowering people at the lowest levels to make decisions.
If only politicians would give the military their objectives followed by, "Call me when you complete the mission," wars would last a few months at the longest.
If only politicians would give the military their objectives followed by, "Call me when you complete the mission," wars would last a few months at the longest.
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