Posted on Feb 11, 2015
SSG Sean Garcia
I registered for the open burn put registry some time ago. Since then, I have not heard anything about it.
I googled information regarding the issue, but I figured that I would have heard from the VA. I have not heard anything and when I called, they didn't seem too informed about the issue either.

It took the Vietnam Vets a long time to be heard regarding the agent orange. Am I missing something?

Does anybody know anything useful regarding this issue?
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1px xxx
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Go to for info. Also go to your local DAV service office for help (or other VSO as appropriate )
SSG Sean Garcia
SSG Sean Garcia
10 y
Ah, the DAV. thanks, I didn't think about that. My OIF/OEF counselor wasn't much help
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 y
Good luck. Contact me off line if you need more help
Cpl Michael Trower
From what I have read and learned all I can say for sure is that the government is supposedly still doing medical evaluations and the such for long term affects. Unfortunately, for us, it will probably be much like Vietnam Veterans with the Agent Orange issue in that we will likely not see any improvements for likely decades would be my guess. All the VA based sites I have looked into have all said there is not enough evidence to support there will be any long term effects from Burn Pit smoke. However, if you do find anything I hope that you will openly share it with the rest of us because i would defiantly like to know of any changes myself. Also, Thank You for your service and welcome home. I don't feel like we all hear that enough, so just wanted to throw it out there.
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