Posted on Sep 27, 2013
What's the most important thing the military should do while going through this downsizing period?
As the military enters a significant downsizing period, it's important to talk through relevant issues and solutions. Enter your response below, and if it gets the most Up votes, you win a free iPad Mini and we will personally deliver your thoughts to our Advisory Board, which includes retired Generals George Casey and Norton Schwartz, the recent Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force, respectively.<div><br></div><div>Tip: Get all your friends to vote Up your response by the end of the contest on Oct 7, 2013.</div>
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 502
Bring all the troops home to guard the United States of America. We have no business in the middle East any more. For the ones who want out send them to their Reserve Units for the remainder of their time so they may at least be Honorably Discharged. For the undesirable , give them a Undesirable Discharge and send them on their way. Each and ever true soldier should write their Congress Man about the cuts " Obama" is trying to make law in congress to cut pay and medical benefits of the Solders that guard our great nation and ask that he be impeached before he destroys our great Country. I am a Solider still at Heart , I believe in America, and by all means I am still Red, White and Blue. God Bless America. (served 76-83, 101 ABD SF & 6/56 ADA) My status now: Retired & Disabled.
Focus on the bare necessities and essentials to obtain a purposeful goal of survival.
Let's get rid of the med board soldiers and the ones who can't pass a pt test. All the soldiers with ucmj need to go too.if they want out then send them home.
The best thing they can do is to get the soldiers who are ending a men done and get them processed and med boarded out.Next all the soldiers who can't pass a pt test and have a history of ucmj issues out of the army.
Get rid of anyone who doesn't want or deserve to be in the military. Next, everyone left should be doing anything possible to get educated because when the downsizing happens people need marketable and transferable civilian skills. Military members should consider certifications first and foremost. After you have certifications then go for a college degree. Finally, if the day comes and you are told thank you for your service but we don't need you, make sure you move where the jobs are and not where your heart is.
Balancing accessions and losses is key to shape the Future of our military forces.
The military should keep the people that want to stay in, as well as get the people getting out ready for their transition. Organizations that prior military have started have helped veterans, the military should make the transition easy to fall in to. Vietnam veterans had it tough,they made it better for us, I see no reason not to take care of somebody that fought for this country.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
I disagree with the word "want" as there are those who stay just because they can get by and get a substantial paycheck for doing nothing. You know they exist and it is still not a matter of wanting, but retaining those deserving of remaining.
Don't keep all the PT freaks and those who look good in their official photo like they did when the Army downsized in '80 and '81. Too much intelligence went out the door and too many "yes men" remained and too many "do as I say, don't do as I do" types rose to levels way beyond their capability. I personally worked for an 0-6 that couldn't lead a hamster our of a paper sack and he became a BG! Let those who want out, out. Screen those with real, proven 'get your hands dirty' leadership capabilities and innovative minds and a will to win and then we'll have an Army!
with everything going on in the world how do they think they can downsize we need to keep what we have and upsize we need the people to care like we used to the military is the only thing keeping or freedom and safe I wonder what our four fathers would say or do if we keep downsizing we keep losing good men and women which we can not afford to do so we need to keep our military strong and keep updated with the world
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