Posted on Sep 27, 2013
CPT Aaron Kletzing
As the military enters a significant downsizing period, it's important to talk through relevant issues and solutions. &nbsp;Enter your response below, and if it gets the most Up votes, you win a free iPad Mini and we will personally deliver your thoughts to our Advisory Board, which includes retired Generals George Casey and Norton Schwartz, the recent Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force, respectively.<div><br></div><div>Tip: Get all your friends to vote Up your response by the end of the contest on Oct 7, 2013.</div>
Posted in these groups: 702767d5 Downsizing
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Responses: 502
SGT Timothy Sowers
I haven't paid a lot of attention to how they are going about it. but I did  hear things like if they have tattoos on their arms and so on. Why? does that tattoo make them perform their duties at a lower level. Why not start with the ones that couldn't even pass a basic PT test. When I was in we had a couple of guys that were about 80 lbs over weigh and couldn't come close to passing a PT test. They looked like they were carrying a mini tank under their shirt. And then how about moving on to the ones that have been an E-3 or E-4 for 7 years and don't even ask about getting promoted. They are just their to get a check, and don't want to go above and beyond. Now granted their are some that just cant move up in a unit because there are not enough slots for that rank. But if that is the case, then why not move to a unit that has that slot. Because they are "homesteaders" just trying to get their time over with, with as little work as possible. Then, once you have weeded them out then if you still need to downsize then take volunteers. Because we all know that there are some that are in that joined because they thought that it would be like the movies. But they found out real quick that it wasn't so they want out because it is too "real" for them. that is just my opinion on how to start.
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CPL Jack Share

Do the walk - provide the help where it's needed for returning vets, & active.
1. pro bono attorneys: family law, DD & OTH discharges, civil, criminal, DUI & drugs.
2. Vet VA social workers to help vets thru the system & paper work.
3. Renovate old hospital at Westwood VA to living quarters for vets on the street.
4. You know the issues, do something, fix it, our guys are coming home
5. You are asking the wrong questions.
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SSG (Other / Not listed)
Let out people who want out. In my old PLT there were at least 5 or 6 people who wanted out and only 3 of them were really worth anything. When there time came to get out into the IRR they said for months they weren't gonna reenlist. The commander and BN made it so hard for them to go into the IRR than only two of them ended up actually getting out and the other 4 stayed in. These are people who come to drill, sit around doing nothing, and mope about wanting to go home all day. they openly tell the command they will never be able to make them go to WLC. They fail PT tests and make up excuses a few days before the next one so they can't take it. Just let them out please!
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MAJ Strategic Plans And Training Officer

Army wide APFT administered by a third part to start the pool of those to be removed. I am not saying top APFT scores stay but those failing the most easiest of standards should be the first to go. Then pivot of their leadership who have been false reporting. when schools have guys failing not by seconds and reps but by minutes and double digit reps then something is lacking. Everyone should take this test and it be graded by third parties, call it an integrity check. This comment might be crazy talk or even scary to others but we have standards, lets us them.

Next go to the range and field not because your Soldiers have a board coming up but because we are the Army and that is what we do. May sound crazy but basics are the base upon which we build a confident and competent fighting force.

Why ranges: Not joking, had a commander tell me in Afghanistan he couldn't man a perimeter because 20 of the 50 personnel he had on the ground were mechanics and cooks. Glad he was not from my unit. I asked why did he then waste the time of issuing weapons to them. By the way some of the most vicious fighters I have seen are mechanics.  

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SFC Wayne Robinson
I have seen this downsizing several times. One instance right after the VN war the military had to many chopper pilots so the military in their infinite wisdom severed ties with several thousand pilots. Both fixed and rotor.
Low and behold the military didn't have skilled pilots to man the aircraft. yes they had a few.
You can teach a recruit to fire a rifle, quickly. But it takes many hours of training to fly an aircraft.
it takes years of experience to man a tank, there are things you can not learn overnight.
Take the time to evaluate your resources don't let the leadership go to quickly.
We did not do it right after VN, we were in such a hurry to downsize we gutted the very core of the military to satisfy some big wig in Washington. let us not do the same thing again.
Research the data
Plan the downsize what will hurt the service the most
shift resources make it leaner but more effective
Put strategic material in states require an inactive mobile force that can be recalled if necessary. 
train the trainer once a year for a week until the personnel are over 45 years of age.
(Suggestion only)
Do the same thing as Sweden does require the inactive military to keep firearms in their homes in case of an emergency so if needed they can rally at the given point.

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SGM Command Sergeant Major
Ensure leaders are giving accurate evaluations on the OER/NCOER so we can get rid of the duds. We have inflated both the OER and NCOER over the last 12+ years of war so that everyone gets a trophy. We have been in a time where quantity outweighed quality. Now that we are downsizing, it is time to ensure we get rid of the bottom of the barrel.
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SFC James Baber

I think this is a good thread for those we are trying to get to join can see the substance of some things we discuss between us as current and former military, soft spoken as well as informational and mentoring types of postings.

We also have fun at times while remaining professional.

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1SG S3 Operations Ncoic
The key is maintaining training excellence. If you continue to train Soldiers effectively, and groom tomorrow's leaders today, we will be able to maintain our vigilance if the balloon goes up.
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1SG Jeffery Bertram
We should be upsizing considering all that's going on in the world - but to answer the question, Equipment reallocation, consolidation & modernization. 
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
That will never happen, until we elect some patriotic politicians and demand they uphold their oath of office!
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SGT Suraj Dave

We need to start getting rid of these PFC's, SPC's and in some cases SGT's who haven't deployed on Permanent Profiles. The U.S. Military is the only employer who keeps you around if you cant do your job. If you cant run 2 miles, or wear your gear, and you weren't injured in combat .... you need to leave. You cant defend yourself, let alone the United States.

It almost sickening seeing even an E-5 with no deployment patch on a permanent profile, or even this Privates coming out of tradoc with permanent profiles. They have not deployed, or done anything yet, we shouldn't owe them anything.... if average PT that everyone else does, got them on a permanent profile, that is clear proof they are not healthy enough to be in our military.


SFC Information Assurance Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
You'd be really disgusted by SFC's, MSG's and SGM's with no patch, or wearing a combat patch for going to Kuwait.
SSG (Other / Not listed)
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
I think judging someone by the fact they never deployed is something you should never do. A patch doesn't mean anything. I know plenty of guys who have patches who sat in Bagram, or who had a mortar hit over a mile away but they wear Combat action Badges.....As someone who spent the last 2 years trying to deploy and being told no by the CoC, it really sucks seeing this. However I do agree with the Profiles coming out of TRADOC. A former friend of mine told me that as soon as she got to her duty station she knew all the things to say and do to get a Permanent profile so that she never had to do a PT test. Never found out if she succeeded or not though.
SPC Stephen Bobchin
SPC Stephen Bobchin
11 y
Some MOSes never deploy at all, and I don't think its right to bear a grudge towards them. (Some medic ASIs make it almost impossible to deploy)
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