What's the most important thing the military should do while going through this downsizing period?
Selective initial entry and retention for only the best quality individuals based on the re-structure of a post war force. We will need to transition some of those combat arms jobs back to the admin, and CS/CSS force to lessen the need for contractor support. Keeping total force numbers in line with where ever the number stops falling at. This also will free up some of the money that there will be less of for the foreseeable future.
This also means that we need to cut at the top. SR NCO's and Officers will have to downsize to maintain the balance in order to stay in line with Congressional approved force numbers. Will it be easy? No. But we cannot have as many Sr. leaders as we do jr leaders and Soldiers or we will not be able to get anything done.
The last part is slowing the promotions to match the balance of the cuts so that the force as a whole can get back on target with the new structure and move forward continuing to prepare for world wide operations.

Use the historical data from the 1990 drawdown so as to not repeat the failures of the past. Many great service members separated from the armed forces in the previous drawdown and this left a vacuum and lack luster leaders to head the formations. The stellar leaders that stayed had to fight to rebuild the fighting force we have today and it would be a shame to digress. In the mid to late 1990's we incentivized "service to country" and with this we were able to further leverage a more educated and resilient force. We rebuilt the ranks into a sound fighting force and although we have new garrison challenges to contend with, we prevailed during our protracted wars.
So what do we do? Apply deliberate sensibilities to who goes and who stays. This is not simply a matter of creating a metric base on evaluations, infractions, Education, HT/WT and APFT scores. It's time for a paradigm shift where we flip that ideology upside down and review risk factors on the Soldier's current and future contributions to the fight. GO BACK TO THE BASICS - BE, KNOW, DO!
We need to get rid of the "use it or lose it" approach to military spending. Units should not be penalized for coming in under-budget by having their budget reduced for the subsequent year.
More applicable to the issue of budget downsizing than personnel.
Retain the top personnel
Get contractors off military posts. Soldiers are going to need jobs. give those jobs that are being done by the contractors to the soldiers. This is especially true in the National Guard. Soldiers come back from the deployment and don't have a job or don't want to go back to working with civilians. I work on Fort Custer in Michigan and there is more civilian contractors on this post than military. The contractors are the people who are on this post just doing basic things to make the Fort operational. Why can't soldiers who would be doing this on deployment still do this once they come back home. Soldiers have jobs and the Army gets to cut cost of having to pay a third party contractor.
Develop the lower enlisted. for years the lower enlisted have been sunned by the higher Army leadership. why are we not developing these soldiers into leaders? Send these Soldiers to schools and allow them to grow into the leaders that the army needs. Actually use the rank of Specialist. What is the purpose of the Specialist if it is not to specialize in some thing with in that soldiers MOS?