Posted on Sep 27, 2013
What's the most important thing the military should do while going through this downsizing period?
As the military enters a significant downsizing period, it's important to talk through relevant issues and solutions. Enter your response below, and if it gets the most Up votes, you win a free iPad Mini and we will personally deliver your thoughts to our Advisory Board, which includes retired Generals George Casey and Norton Schwartz, the recent Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force, respectively.<div><br></div><div>Tip: Get all your friends to vote Up your response by the end of the contest on Oct 7, 2013.</div>
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 502
<span style="background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248); ">We need to go back to BASICS. Military customs and courtesy, Army values, Basic Warrior skills, etc. If a soldier can't stick the program, chapter him/her out. I'm Stationed at Campbell, going through Air Assault School and I've ran across a few Privates who have no respect for NCOs or officers. <br><br>We as leaders, are failing also. My last unit had almost 1 DUI every month. And over 50% of them were NCOs. I.e: MSG(P) gets a DUI, still gets promoted to E9. But then again, all the years in service, and dedication to the Army gives him a free pass. (any comments on that?)</span>
Get rid of satellite tv through out the Army. Also let the people go that want out.
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